招聘崗位:數學講師 |
招聘人數:1名 |
聘用方式 |
勞動聘用 |
招聘條件 |
研究生教育學歷,博士學位 Applicants are expected to have a doctoral degree in mathematics or a related field and native-level English language skills (native speakers are preferred). Working experience of two years or more after obtaining the doctoral degree, as a post-doctoral or as an instructor, is normally required. Experience in teaching undergraduate and/or graduate courses in mathematics is required, including (but not limited to) subjects such as single- and multi-variable calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra. In addition, experience in a more specialized subject such as probability theory and statistics, numerical analysis or other area is desirable. Experience in the use of a computer algebra system and teaching experience or an additional background in physics, computer science or engineering is an advantage. A successful applicant will be passionate about teaching, willing to stay in Shanghai for a period of at least several years and will consider a long-term commitment to teaching at the Joint Institute. In support, the position provides for a career title progression in the “Teaching Professor” track, analogous to that of research faculty, but without tenure. An applicant’s living experience in China and/or personal connection to China will be an advantage. |
崗位職責 |
1.每學年教授不超過6門課程,每門課程長度為15周,每周的授課時間為3-4小時,另外有2小時的答疑時間;2.根據指定教學大綱備課、授課;設計家庭作業和監考3.指導助教進行課程背誦和作業批改工作4.維護課程網頁,該網頁中應包括所有教學資料及相關信息1. Deliver up to 6 courses per academic year; each course requires 3 to 4 hours of lectures and 2 hours of office hours per week for 15 weeks; 2. Prepare and conduct classes; design homework and supervise examinations; 3. Guide TAs for recitation classes and grading; give help to students with difficulty; 4. Maintain a course website containing all the teaching materials and information. |
崗位待遇 |
面議 |
其他 |
應聘材料:1.英文簡歷及英文求職信;2.學歷學位證書掃描件;3.三個以上推薦人信息;4.其他材料應聘者請將簡歷發送至,請在郵件標題注明應聘職位 。歡迎登陸密西根學院網站 |
聯系方式 |
聯系人:戴老師 TEL:34206045轉4571; 聯系地址:上海市東川路800號 |