School/Division NYU Shanghai (SH1002)
Compensation Grade Pending
FT/PT Full-Time
Category Technology
Position Summary
The Center for Applied Social and Economic Research (CASER) at NYU Shanghai was officially launched on November 19, 2020. CASER is dedicated to fostering methodologically rigorous, multi-disciplinary research on the most pressing issues related to China’s socioeconomic development. CASER convenes scholars from multiple disciplines to conduct research based on quantitative analysis in focus areas such as education, family and gender, inequality and poverty, migration, population aging and health, as well as urban neighborhood and governance issues.
The candidate will play a key role in building the Center’s capacity in survey data collection, documentation, and integration and facilitate the work the Center has planned, including existing projects and new data collection projects. He/she will work closely with Center Director and project teams to support all technical aspects of survey and data management and archiving.
該技術人員將與中心主任,成員及項目團隊密切合作,負責構建研究中心的數據基礎設施,提升研究中心的數據采集、存儲、管理及整合能力; 對數據基礎設施進行日常維護,確保其安全,高效的運作; 為中心項目提供技術支持,推動項目的順利開展。
The main responsibilities include:
Survey system development (50%)
● Responsible for constructing a customized data collection system, including Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) and Telephone Interview (CATI) system (using Blaise and other open source code) that can accommodate different modes of surveys (on-line, telephone, wechat, face-to-face etc);
● Lead on technical aspects for all CASER’s existing and new projects, including programing and testing of survey questionnaire, and manage the client terminal according to the logic of questionnaire;
● Serve as the liaison point with both technical staff from research partners and internally with relevant departments at NYU Shanghai to develop the product to suit CASER’s research needs.
Data archiving and management (30%)
● Provide technical support for the archiving and maintenance of data generated by CASER’s own projects (HKPSSD, SUNS, SEEDS [to be collected] as well as other data sources in China. The candidate will play an important role in enabling NYUSH to serve as a gateway to provide access to major social surveys for international users, and some customized use and visualization of CASER and other city administration data;
● Save and export relevant survey data as required with accuracy and efficiency, and develop technical mechanism for quality control.
Regular system maintenance and problem shooting (15%)
● Carry out regular maintenance and problem shooting for data collection system;
● During the rolling out of CASER’s new project, provide timely and effective technical support to the project team.
Build up data management knowledge base (5%)
● Build up knowledge base for CASER’s survey and data management system for the sustainability of technical knowledge crucial to CASER’s database and projects;
● Provide tech information sharing session / training for CASER’s project team as needed.
問卷調查系統開發 (50%)
● 根據項目的需求, 用Blaise及其它開源軟件搭建數據采集系統:包括計算機輔助面訪系統(CAPI)和計算機輔助電話調查系統(CATI),以應用于不同的調查模式,包括在線調查,電話調查,微信調查, 面訪等;
● 為研究中心的所有項目提供技術支持,包括問卷電子化, 問卷測試,后臺修改,客戶端管理,數據存儲及導出等;
● 通過與合作機構及內部相關部門的溝通與協作,開發符合研究中心項目需求的系統及相關技術產品。
數據存檔及管理 (30%)
● 為數據的歸檔及管理提供技術支持。 所涉及的數據主要來源于中心項目(包括HKPSSD, SUNS, 和即將開展的SEEDS項目等)及國內其他數據源。該技術人員將協助實現中心數據及相關城市數據的定制使用及可視化,為相關用戶提供上海,中國大陸及更廣泛區域趨勢數據的便捷通道;
● 準確、高效地存儲及導出調查數據,并協助建立數據質量管控機制。
數據系統日常維護 (15%)
● 為中心數據采集系統的軟硬件設備提供定期維護、檢測及故障排查,使數據系統處于良好的工作狀態;
● 在中心項目開展階段及調查過程中提供及時有效的技術支援。
建立中心數據管理知識庫 (5%)
● 匯總及更新中心數據管理相關技術信息,建立中心數據管理知識庫,有效積累相關技術知識;
● 在中心項目開展階段,為項目組成員提供必要的技術信息分享及培訓。
Required Education
● Bachelor’s Degree or above in relevant field.
Required Experience
● 2+ years of work experience in IT / data management or other relevant fields.
Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
● Good knowledge and command of powerbuilder#, SQL, Blaise, JAVA, C#, Javascript,;
● Knowledge of Geographical Information System (GIS) and its application will be a plus;
● Good command of written and verbal skills in English and Mandarin;
Excellent communication and organization skills;
● Capable of learning and applying new knowledge quickly.
● 全日制本科學士學位及以上,相關專業及技術領域。
● 兩年以上相關領域工作經驗。
● 熟悉powerbuilder#, SQL, Blaise, JAVA, C#, Javascript, 等語言的應用及操作;
● 了解地理信息系統(GIS)者優先;
● 良好的英語及普通話表達及寫作能力;
● 較強的溝通及組織能力;
● 快速學習及應用能力。
Additional Information
About NYU Shanghai
NYU Shanghai is China’s first Sino-US research university and the third degree-granting campus of the NYU Global Network. We were founded in 2012 by New York University and East China Normal University with the support of the city of Shanghai and the district of Pudong. NYU Shanghai seeks to cultivate globally-minded graduates through innovative teaching, world-class research, and a commitment to public service.
NYU Shanghai is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity and social inclusion. We are proud of its diverse and talented staff members, who work together to build and sustain this unique and pioneering institution of higher education in China.
For more information about NYU Shanghai, please visit You can also follow our official WeChat Account: NYUShanghaiRecruit for more updated news.
申請方式 / Application Instructions
Please click the original job link below to submit your application online.