The Aiden lab’s work has been featured on the cover of Nature, Science and Cell and has included seminal advances in a diverse array of fields spanning molecular biology, biophysics, computer science, and mathematics. These include the invention of three dimensional genome sequencing, and consequent discoveries of the mechanisms of genome compartmentalization (Lieberman-Aiden et al., Science, 2009; Lieberman Aiden, Science, 2011) and loop extrusion (Sanborn & Rao et al., PNAS, 2015); the first reliable, genome-wide maps of chromatin looping (Rao & Huntley et al., Cell, 2014); the development of 3D genome surgery to modify genome folding using targeted mutations (Sanborn & Rao et al., PNAS, 2015); the development of highly efficient tools to visualize and analyze genomic contact data (Durand, Robinson et al., Cell Systems, 2016; Durand, Shamim, Cell Systems, 2016; Robinson et al., Cell Systems, 2018); the development of 3d-dna, a Hi-C assisted scaffolding software to chromosome length (Dudchenko et al.,
崗位名稱: Erez Aiden組博士后
The Post-doctoral fellow will be open to choose among the following research area: 1) the use of neural network-driven approaches to identify loops and domains; 2) development of genome assembly methods using long read sequencing technologies and Hi-C; 3) mining the large volume of genome sequencing data across the tree of life to discover key genes that shape evolution of various important traits; 4) working on single-cell Hi-C data to reveal clonal evolution in cancer genomes.
An ideal candidate would be capable of navigating the lab’s interdisciplinary landscape and would possess a background in bioinformatics, computer science and molecular biology. Prior familiarity with genome assembly and/or algorithm development is useful though not required. Experience with wet lab biology is useful though not required.
Qualified applicants should provide the following items in English:
1. Curriculum Vitae including academic background and work experience
2. List of publications and up to 3 representative publications as PDFs
3. Contact details of three referees, one of which should include most recent supervisor. References will be requested after the initial selection.
Qualified applicants interested in this position are welcome to submit the above documents to and