Application is invited for the position of Research Associate in the group of Dr. Jeremy Murray at CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology (SIPPE), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Murray lab is also part of Centre of Excellence for Plant and Microbial Science (CEPAMS) which is a joint research centre of Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Innes Centre. The main research focus of Murray lab is symbiotic infection of plants by beneficial microbes.
The successful candidate will have 2 or more years of experience as a post-doctoral fellow, good English language skills. Work experience overseas is desirable. The candidate needs strong molecular biology skills, and an understanding of genetics and plant nutrient metabolism. The post-holder should have experience working with Medicago truncatula, including hairy root transformation and transcriptomics, and CRISPR editing. The candidate should have strong organizational ability, be able to work with others, and be able to present their data at lab meetings and conferences.
To apply:
Please send a CV and research statement (maximum one page) to