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Postdoc Research Fellow Post at SJTU-Fei Gao(Long term effectiveness)

時間:2020-10-30來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

We are looking for Postdoc Research Fellows at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Department of Electrical Engineering to work in the area of power electronics-enabled microgrids. The post holder will be located in Shanghai, China. Ongoing projects in our team are from State Grid Corporation of China, Key R&D Research Projects from China Ministry of Science and Technology, Joint Research Funding of SJTU and Sydney University, etc. More info about the PI can be found in: https://eei.sjtu.edu.cn/en/Show.aspx?info_id=585&info_lb=337&flag=282


Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available until 1 September 2023 in the first instance. The preferred candidates will be expected to start as early as possible.



The aim of the post is to do fundamental research associated with the modelling, control, and stability analysis of AC, DC microgrids and more electric transportation systems. The duties of the candidates include:

· Carry out theoretical research in this field

· Contribute to the ongoing development of corresponding experimental facilities

· Paper publishing in leading journals and conferences

· Co-supervision of Master and Undergraduate students


· Applicants are expected to have, or be close to obtain, a PhD in Electrical Engineering

· Strong sense of responsibility, dedication for research, teamwork spirit and interpersonal skills

· A good track record of publications in leading journals

· Excellent understanding in the fields of power system stability, power electronic converters and control systems, as well as have expertise in the relevant tools, such as MATLAB

· Experience in the analysis of AC and DC grids and power electronics-enabled microgrids and hardware/software debugging of power electronics circuits

· Experience in machine learning applications in Python will be considered a plus.

Compensation and Benefits:

Salary and startup funds are highly competitive, commensurate with experience and academic accomplishment of candidates.

· Enjoy competitive salary of more than 250,000RMB/year and other postdoctoral benefits of SJTU (http://postd.sjtu.edu.cn/), as well as performance-based rewards from the research team. The final salary depends on the candidate qualification/performance and will be determined through consultation between the supervisor and postdoc;

· Be encouraged to apply for national, provincial and municipal postdoctoral talent projects like Innovative Talent Support Program, NSFC Youth Program, National Postdoctoral Fund, Shanghai Super Doctor Fund, and those who are sponsored will enjoy corresponding compensations;

· Permanent registered Shanghai residence, social insurance and provident funds are offered in accordance with the policies of Shanghai Municipal Government and Shanghai Jiao Tong University;

· Postdocs are encouraged to conduct long-term research (for 2-3 years) after the 1st contract. The excellent postdoc will have the opportunity to get the tenure-track assistant/associate professorship of Shanghai Jiao Tong University;

· If the candidate stays and works in Shanghai afterwards, his or her spouse and children can settle in with the postdoc.

Application materials:

· CV (including basic information, education background, publication list, etc)

· Three representative papers (full content) or other relevant materials

· 2-3 references (At least one is from your PhD supervisor)


Please send the above documents to Associate Prof. Fei Gao, fei.gao@sjtu.edu.cn with the title of “Postdoc application + your name + your PhD university/institution”.

Any informal queries related to the role, please email fei.gao@sjtu.edu.cn





