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Post-doctoral position in the Hiroki Nishiro Group in the School of Creativity and Art(2020.08)

時間:2020-08-14來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

We announce an open position: Senior Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Social and Cultural Interaction Design. This position belongs to Dr. Nishino’s research group, which is currently being established as a new research group at the School of Creativity and Art.


We are looking for a passionate and creative researcher/artist/designer who are willing to work with us for creative inquiry in the research-through-design approach in the field of social and cultural interaction design. We are mainly interested in speculatively investigating how creative technologies can be utilized to enhance human creativity, intimacy, and empathies among individuals in our societies.


The research background we expect for this position is Social and Cultural Interaction Design. We are particularly looking for a researcher, who has experience and/or significantly interested in such research topics as Urban Interaction Design, Interaction Design for Children, Inclusive Interaction Design, Cultural Computing, etc. As the duty expected for this senior post-doc position includes to co-supervise/to mentor undergraduate/graduate students/junior research staffs and to occasionally conduct a workshop, this position also requires a university-level teaching experience.


We prefer a creative failure with interesting findings than a boring success with expected outcomes. Hence, an ideal candidate should be interested in less explored research topics and have the ability to publish research papers regardless of the success or failure in achieving the goals initially defined in the research proposals; in other words, he/she must be skillful in the contextualization of the desired research topics.


The brief description of the duties expected for this position is as follows. For further information, please contact Dr. Nishino (hirokinishino@shanghaitech.edu.cn).

崗位名稱: post-doc


1)    Conduct your own projects and co-supervise other research projects under Dr. Nishino’s supervision.

2)    Facilitate and participate in the collaboration with other research groups at the School of Creativity and Art

3)    Provide workshops in the field of your expertise at the undergraduate level (and preferably also at the graduate level)

4)    Lab Management and Mentorship for undergraduate/graduate students

a)    Ph.D. in Architecture or in a related discipline (required)

b)    Autonomous but collaborative personality (required)

c)    Fluency in English (required)

d)    Significant interests in Social and Cultural Interaction Design, including topics such as Urban Interaction Design, Interaction Design for Children, Inclusive Interaction Design, Cultural Computing, etc. (required)

e)    Research Experience at the post-doctoral research fellow level (required).

f)     Undergraduate-level teaching/supervision experience as an assistant professor/research assistant professor/project assistant professor (a great plus!)


Competitive salary and benefits will be provided for this position.


Please email your CV to hirokinishino AT shanghaitech.edu.cn. Additional information may be solicited if the candidate qualifies.


Qualified applicants should provide the following items in English:

1.   The name of the contact emails address of two referrers (who can provide the letter of recommendation when the application is successful; we may contact them earlier during the recruitment process) together with the brief description how they are related to the past research career of candidates.

2.   Curriculum Vitae (one-page career highlight with a full CV)

3.   Statement of Research Interests

4.   Portfolio and/or Sample of research publications




