The lab’s work has been featured on the cover of Nature, Science and Cell and has included seminal advances in a diverse array of fields spanning molecular biology, biophysics, linguistics, history, computer science, and mathematics. These include the invention of three dimensional genome sequencing, and consequent discoveries of the mechanisms of genome compartmentalization (Lieberman-Aiden et al., Science, 2009; Lieberman Aiden, Science, 2011) and loop extrusion (Sanborn & Rao et al., PNAS, 2015); the first reliable, genome-wide maps of chromatin looping (Rao & Huntley et al., Cell, 2014, Rao et al., Cell, 2017); the development of 3D genome surgery to modify genome folding using targeted mutations (Sanborn & Rao et al., PNAS, 2015); the development of culturomics and the Google Ngram Viewer (Michel et al., Science, 2011); the discovery of an inverse-square principle in historical linguistics (Lieberman et al., Nature, 2007); and work on evolutionary graph theory (Lieberman et al., Nature 2005).
崗位名稱: Aiden's postdoc
An ideal candidate would be capable of navigating the lab’s interdisciplinary landscape and will be working on experimental investigation of biophysical systems, including but not limited to the three dimensional structure of the human genome. The post-doctoral fellow will work on technology development projects, requiring upstream next-generation sequencing platforms. The post-doctoral fellow will both develop new technologies and extend existing Hi-C based techniques to probe proximity ligations between DNA, RNA and proteins aimed to provide insight on how proteins mediate chromosome folding and how chromosome folding links to gene expression.
Applicants with experience in microscopy, Hi-C, RNA-Seq, ChIP- Seq, ATAC-Seq as well as constructing and maintaining mammalian cell lines, CRISPR and/or transposon-mediated integration, and fluorescence activated cell sorting [FACS] are highly encouraged to apply.
Competitive salary and benefits will be provided for this position.
Qualified applicants should provide the following items in English:
1. Curriculum Vitae including academic background and work experience
2. List of publications and up to 3 representative publications as PDFs
3.Contact details of three referees, one of which should include most recent supervisor. References will be requested after the initial selection.
Qualified applicants interested in this position should submit the above documents directly to
Simultaneously, applicants should complete the online application form using using the ShanghaiTech University Talent Recruitment System (htpp:// following the instructions.