Our group is interested in methodological developments for structural studies of e-beam sensitive nano-porous materials through electron diffraction, high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy.
崗位名稱: Research Assistant
1. 負責Osamu Terasaki課題組財務相關工作,協調預算申報管理,協調經費到賬、調整、報銷等與學校財務部門對接的相關事務,負責經費使用記錄、儀器全成本核算等
Work related to financial department.
2. 負責課題組采購執行及報銷相關事務
Ordering instruments and related backup parts.
3. 負責課題組組長相關行政行程及事務的安排,尤其出國訪問等申請
Administrative work for Prof. Terasaki
4. 負責課題組組長來訪問人員尤其外籍人員的行程安排及財務相關事務
Administrative work for invited international scientists.
5. 負責舉辦會議期間行政事務的安排及執行
Arrangment work for international conference.
6. 領導交辦的其他工作
Other related works that group leader requires.
a.Majored in Chemistry,Material Science or related fields
b.Fluent in oral and written English
c.Good practical and learning ability
d.Strong interpersonal skills and good at communication and collaboration
We provide very competitive salary and benefits including health benefits for this post. Starting salary will be competitive at the international level and commensurate with qualifications and experience.
(1) The application should be submitted through the recruitment system of ShanghaiTech University (http://jobs.shanghaitech.edu.cn/). The application process includes online registration, providing personal information and applying for desired position.
(2) For full consideration, applicants are encouraged to submit a cover letter, a CV including copies of three representative publications, and letters of reference.