1. 專業方向:英語、法語、日語等。
2. 招聘崗位:全職語言類或專業類外籍教師;合同期10個月,到期后經雙方同意可續聘。
1. 遵守中華人民共和國憲法和法律法規,尊重中華民族的風俗習慣;在其原居住國內無法律糾紛,無犯罪記錄。
2. 所有外籍教師應來自與講授課程相對應的母語國家。
3. 專業類教師須具有博士學位和相關專業工作經歷,優先聘請在海外高校或科研機構擔任助理教授及以上職位的教師;語言類教師須具有學士及以上學位,受過語言教學的專門訓練并具有2年以上教育領域的相關工作經歷(須出具正式證明材料)。
4. 身體健康,具有良好的個人品質、嚴謹求實的科學作風、健康向上的心理素質及善于合作的團隊精神,應聘人年齡一般不超過50歲,語言類教師年齡可以適當放寬。
1. 工作地點:山東省濟南市。
2. 工作任務:擔任口語、聽力、寫作、母語國家本土文化等課程的教學工作。
3. 工作時長:語言類外籍教師要求12-16課時/周;專業類外籍教師要求8-10課時/周。
1. 根據外籍教師的學歷、相關工作資歷等條件,按語言類外籍教師、專業類外籍教師不同崗位標準分別起薪。
2. 山東大學為簽訂聘用合同的外籍教師購買《外籍及港澳臺來華人士綜合醫療保險》。
3. 山東大學向外籍教師提供公寓租住,租金、水電暖等費用由外籍教師本人承擔。
招聘專業 |
聯系人 |
聯系方式 |
英語 |
yangkai@sdu.edu.cn |
renaali@163.com |
法語 |
焦老師 |
homleejiao@sdu.edu.cn |
日語 |
李老師 |
liyueshan@sdu.edu.cn |
Foreign Teacher Recruitment Announcement for School of Foreign Languages and Literature at
In order to further improve the internationalization level of our school and meet the needs of foreign language teaching, we are now recruiting outstanding foreign teachers at home and abroad.
1. Job descriptions
(1) Specialty areas: English, French, Japanese.
(2) Job positions: full-time foreign teachers for language courses and disciplinary courses. The contract duration is 10 months, and it can be renewed upon negotiation after the expiration of the contract.
2. Qualifications:
(1) Abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of
(2) All foreign teachers should come from native-speaking countries corresponding to their specialty areas.
(3) Foreign teachers for language courses must have a bachelor's degree or higher, have received special training in language teaching, and have a minimum of 2 years relevant work experience in education (official evidence of working experience is required); Teachers for disciplinary courses must have a doctorate degree and relevant work experience, and preference will be given to teachers who hold positions of assistant professor or higher in overseas universities or research institutions.
(4) Applicants must be healthy, both physically and mentally, and have good personal qualities, a rigorous, realistic, and scientific working style, and a great sense of team spirit. Applicants are ideally under 50 years old, and for language teachers, this requirement is flexible.
3. Duties and Responsibilities
(1) Location:
(2) Tasks: To teach courses in speaking, listening, writing, and culture of their native countries
(3) Teaching hours:12-16 class hours/week are required for foreign teachers of language courses; 8-10 class hours/week are required for foreign teachers of disciplinary courses.
4. Salary and Benefits
(1) According to the foreign teachers’ academic background and relevant working qualifications, the foreign teachers for language courses and disciplinary courses will be paid with different starting salaries.
5. How to Apply
If you are interested in the foreign teaching position, please contact us for more information:
Languages Required |
Contacts |
English |
Mr. Yang (English Major) |
yangkai@sdu.edu.cn |
Ms. Ren (College English Department) |
renaali@163.com |
French |
Ms. Jiao |
homleejiao@sdu.edu.cn |
Japanese |
Ms. Li |
liyueshan@sdu.edu.cn |
Address: Hongjialou, School of Foreign Languages and Literature,
This recruitment is long-term effective.