1. 嚴格遵守中華人民共和國及四川大學相關法律法規;熱愛教學,具有責任心和團隊精神;身心健康;
2. 來自西班牙語為母語國家;
3. 本科及以上學歷;至少擁有兩年正規西班牙語教學經驗,并提供正式的工作資歷證明;
4. 最好目前在中國大陸境內,且最好具有工作簽證
5. 24-58 歲
1. 每周授課10—12課時。授課對象為大學西班牙語專業本科學生,課程類型:以口語、寫作、文化課為主。
2. 組織及參與各種與西班牙語學習相關的語言文化活動(西班牙語比賽參賽輔導、戲劇節輔導等)
Native Spanish Teachers Wanted
The Spanish faculty of Sichuan University (Chengdu, China) is looking for native Spanish teachers.
Deadline:April 10th, 2023;
One-academic-year contract (from September 1st, 2023 to July 15th, 2024)
Remuneration Package:12,000-18,000 annually (decided by the applicant’s academic background and professional experiences, etc.)
1.Abide by the laws and regulations of People’s Republic of China and follow the rules of Sichuan University if employed; devote to teaching, responsible, healthy, having good communication skills and team-work spirit;
2.NATIVE Spanish speakers from such countries as Spain, México, Argentina, Chile, etc.
3.At least a Bachelor degree and two years full-time teaching related experience after obtaining the degree or the applicants should obtain equivalent certificates ;
4.Now in mainland China,Z visa holder preferred
5.Between 24-58 years old
Job Description:
1. Teaching 10-12 class hours per week. The courses are for undergraduates majoring in Spanish. Courses include Spanish conversation,Spanish writing, Hispanic cultura, etc.
2. Organize and participate in language and cultural activities related to Spanish learning (Spanish competition coaching, drama festival coaching, etc.)
If you are interested in this position, please send the following to : liuzhuoqun_muc10@163.com or 86726651@qq.com
1) Resume. Please state your full name, country of residence, E-mail address, home address and phone number with a description of your academic history and teaching experiences (the time should be as specific as month and there should be no time gap in resume);
2)A recent ID photo;scanned copy of your highest degree certificate, teaching certificate, and any other relevant references or certificates.
College of Foreign Languages and Cultures
Sichuan University,Chengdu, 610064,
Sichuan Province