Research and teaching assistant position (Biostatistics) in Department of Statistics and Data Science
徐匆博士,南方科技大學統計與數據科學系助理教授。2014年獲得美國加州大學戴維斯分校統計學博士學位,2015年至2017年在美國斯坦福大學醫學院從事博士后研究。主要研究方向包括生存分析、臨床試驗設計、計算統計等。已在Journal of Statistical Software, Biostatistics, JAMA等國際知名期刊上發表論文。
Dr. XU Cong, an assistant professor of Department of Statistics and Data Science, SUSTech, obtained her PhD degree in Statistics from University of California, Davis in 2014. She worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Plevritis Lab, School of Medicine, Stanford University from 2015 to 2017. Her research interests include Survival Analysis, Design of Clinical Trials and Computational Statistics. She has published papers in top tier journals like Journal of Statistical Software, Biostatistics, JAMA, etc.
The research team is seeking exceptional candidates for full time, academic research position at the rank of research and teaching assistant. Salary is highly competitive based on performance. Relying on Department of Statistics and Data Science, the team has been making the upmost effort to create a free and flexible theoretical research environment, and a good experimental platform with an international research vision.
1. 具有較強的數學功底、合作精神和英文水平;
2. 熟悉或有興趣學習機器學習算法,精通Python/R至少一種數據分析語言;
3. 985、211、境外名校相關專業碩士生或本科畢業生優先;
4. 對生存分析、臨床試驗設計、神經網絡與傳統統計模型結合等有興趣者優先。
1. 每月工資5000—10000元,能力出眾者,薪酬可議,可額外享受年終績效;
2. 享受國家法定節假日及按學校規定的帶薪年假、“五險一金”、過節費(主要中國節日都有,每次1000元)、每月餐補、高溫補貼、免費體檢等福利;
3. 良好的個人成長與發展空間,科研表現優秀者可優先推薦攻讀博士學位。
● Research Assistant
Research Areas: Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science and other interdisciplinary areas in related fields.
Job Requirements:
1. With a strong spirit of teamwork and a good command of English.
2. Good at or have interest in machine learning algorithms. A solid foundation in Python/R or any other data analysis programming language.
3. Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree from prestigious universities domestic and abroad is preferred.
4. Candidates with strong research interest in Survival Analysis, Design of Clinical Trials, Neural Network and Traditional Statistical Model, etc. are preferred.
Benefits and Rewards:
1. Monthly salary is about 5000-10000 CNY. Salary is highly competitive for talented candidates. Performance bonus is available to successful candidates.
2. National holidays, paid annual leave and benefits from SUSTech including subsidy for meals, hot weather, festivals, free body check and other benefits required by the law.
3. Good space for personal growth and development. If qualified, the candidates are recommended to apply for a PhD position at SUSTech with a higher priority.
有意向者請將以下信息整合為一個PDF文件:詳細簡歷、成績單、personal statement,最早可到崗時間。郵件發送至滕老師:tengyr@mail.sustech.edu.cn,郵件標題請注明:應聘崗位-本人姓名-所學專業。
To apply:
If you are interested in the position, please send the following application materials to Miss Teng (tengyr@mail.sustech.edu.cn) with the email subject “Research and Teaching Assistant -Your Name -Your Major - gxjob”.
Application should include:
-Resumes (PDF format) in English or Chinese
-Academic Transcripts (PDF format) in English or Chinese (if available)
-Personal statement
-The earliest on-board time