
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 高校教師招聘 > 重慶高校招聘 > 浙江工商大學2024年誠邀全球英才依托申報國家海外優青項目



時間:2023-12-08來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名








▶ 申請條件


1.        遵守中華人民共和國法律法規,具有良好的科學道德,自覺踐行新時代科學家精神;

2.        出生日期在1983年1月1日(含)以后;

3.        具有博士學位;

4.        研究方向主要為自然科學、工程技術等;

5.        在取得博士學位后至2023年3月15日,一般應在海外高校、科研機構、企業研發機構獲得正式教學或者科研職位,且具有連續36個月以上工作經歷;在海外取得博士學位且業績特別突出的,可適當放寬工作年限要求;

6.        取得同行專家認可的科研或技術等成果,且具有成為該領域學術帶頭人或杰出人才的發展潛力;

7.        申請人尚未全職回國(來華)工作,或者2022年1月1日以后回國(來華)工作。獲資助通知后須辭去海外工作或在海外無工作,全職回國(來華)工作不少于3年。





① 符合條件的申請人,可按照項目指南要求,與依托單位簽訂工作合同或者意向性協議,于2024年春季(具體時間以國家自然科學基金委員會公告為準)登錄信息系統,在線填寫《國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金項目(海外)申請書》(以下簡稱申請書)。申請人對所提交申請材料的真實性負責。

② 申請人應當按照申請書填報說明和撰寫提綱的要求用簡體中文或英文在線填寫申請書,并上傳附件等材料。

③ 優秀青年科學基金項目(海外)實行無紙化申請方式,申請人在線提交電子申請書及附件、公正性承諾書等材料至依托單位,由依托單位審核后在線提交自然科學基金委。

④ 項目申請信息系統鏈接



請將個人簡歷發送至各學院聯系人,并抄送至人才辦郵箱:rcb@zjgsu.edu.cn,郵件標題請注明“海外優青+姓名 ”。




人才發展與工作辦公室 老師



科技部 老師








Zhejiang Gongshang University

invites oversees talents

to apply the

Outstanding Youth Science Fund Programme (Overseas) of the National Natural Science Foundation of China


There is generous living environment

You will be hired in accordance with the university's standard for high-level talents.

We provide about RMB 1.5-2.5 million yuan of subsidies for house purchase

Annual salary of RMB 0.8-1.4 million

You will be eligible to apply about 100+ square metres of special housing for talents.

We provide a rental subsidy for the transition period with RMB 3500+ per month and can provide long-term talent rental housing

with mature and Convenient Real Estate Facilities

and abundant quality school district resources

In addition, there are special allowances from the college and discipline,

and awards for landmark achievements

There is reliable support for career development

The government provides RMB 1-3 million of research funding support

The university provides RMB 500,000-1,000,000 of research start-up funds,

assisting you to form an academic team

with High-quality students, first-class platform, excellent colleagues

There are perfect living service measures here

Enjoy the preferential benefits of purchasing houses and vehicle registration for talents in Hangzhou.

Assist in settling the employment of family members and children's school enrolment, etc.

Enjoy scientific research services, tax and fee concessions in Zhejiang Province, medical service, pension, business, tourism and culture, etc.

Unsuccessful applicants will be prioritised for inclusion in the university's training system.

There is a professional application team

There is a professional application team here

Rich working experience

Complete service chain

Professional application guidance

High application pass rate

01Application Requirements

▶ Application Requirements

Comply with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics;

Date of birth after 1 January 1983 (inclusive);

Have a doctoral degree;

The main research direction is in natural science, engineering technology, etc.;

After obtaining the doctoral degree and before 15 March 2024, the applicant should generally obtain a formal teaching or research position in overseas universities, research institutions, enterprise R&D institutions, and have more than 36 consecutive months of work experience; for applicants who have obtained the doctoral degree overseas and have particularly outstanding performance, the requirement of years of work experience can be appropriately relaxed;

The applicant has achieved scientific research or technical or other achievements recognised by peer experts, and has the development potential to become an academic leader or outstanding talent in the field;

The applicant has not yet returned to his/her home country (to China) on a full-time basis, or returned to his/her home country (to China) after 1 January 2023 to work. Applicants are required to resign from their overseas jobs or have no job overseas and return to their home country (to China) on a full-time basis for not less than 3 years after being notified of the funding.

Limitations: Implement the requirements of the relevant departments of the Central Government on the integration of national scientific and technological talent programmes. Applicants can only apply for one national science and technology talent programme of the same level. Applicants who have already applied for any other national scientific and technological talent programmes cannot apply for projects of the same or lower levels.

Zhejiang Gongshang University (ZJBU) will release the notice of National 2024 Overseas Excellent Youth Programme Declaration on the official website and WeChat public number in time, please follow the WeChat public account (Office of Talent Development & Management) to keep abreast of the latest programme news.

02Application Methods and Instructions

▶Method 1:Apply with onine system after reaching an agreement with the university

①  Eligible applicants may sign a working contract or an agreement of intent with the supporting unit (university) in accordance with the requirements of the project guide, and log in the system and fill in the online Application Form for Outstanding Youth Science Fund Programme (Overseas) of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (hereinafter referred to as the application form) in spring 2024 (the exact time shall be subject to the announcement of the National Natural Science Foundation of China). Applicants are responsible for the authenticity of the submitted application materials.

② The applicant shall fill in the application online in simplified Chinese or English and upload attachments and other materials in accordance with the instructions for completing the application and the outline.

③ The Outstanding Young Scientist Fund Programme (Overseas) adopts a paperless application method, in which the applicant submits the electronic application form with attachments, impartiality undertaking and other materials online to the supporting unit, which then reviews and submits the application online to the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

④ Link to the Project Application Information System


▶Method 2:Send your resume and apply under the faculty's guidance

Please send your CV to the contact person in each faculty and cc to the Office pf Talent Development & Management email address: rcb@zjgsu.edu.cn. Please indicate "Outstanding Young Scientist Fund Programme (Overseas)+Name" in the title of the email.

Note: Interested individuals are advised to contact the college faculty in advance to obtain detailed information and reporting guidelines.

03Contact Information

▶Talent Policy Consultation

Offfice of Talent Development & Management, Chen Ting

Tel: 0571-28875308

▶Project Application Consultation

Science and Technology Department, Zhou Yi

Tel: 0571-28877178

▶Contact information of colleges

Contact information of colleges(Please click for details

04 ZJGSU's Story

Located in the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou, ZJGSU was first established in 1911 as Hangzhou Secondary Business School. At the beginning of its establishment, it served as the forerunner of business education in Zhejiang Province. In 1980, the school became a public university approved by the State Council, Hangzhou Institute of Commerce. And then in 2004, with the approval of the National Ministry of Education, it was renamed Zhejiang Gongshang University. For over a hundred years, the university has developed an interdisciplinary ecosystem, with business and management as its core disciplines, and law, engineering and other subjects as its multidisciplinary alliances. In 2017, ZJGSU was selected as one of the key universities in Zhejiang Province. Statistics and Business Administration are selected as the province's top and specialized disciplines.

Adhering to the motto of "Diligence, Perseverance, Honesty, Simplicity", following the philosophy of cultivating virtue and nurturing people, and following the footsteps of "Double First Class" universities, we strive to build an interdisciplinary, innovative and outstanding university that serves the nation and humanity. We invite talent from home and abroad to join us and create excellence together.





