序號 | 職位名稱/招聘人數 | 工作職責 | 任職資格 |
1 |
金融數學助理導師 (理工科技學部) (2人) |
Job Description The successful candidates will give tutorials for undergraduate students of Financial Mathematics Program, and are able to handle assignments and quizzes in full English teaching environment. They will also assume some administrative duties as appropriate to the role. |
Job Requirement Candidates should have a master degree in Financial Mathematics or Financial Engineering, and possess good communication and motivational skills, as well as an enthusiasm for promoting the Program. Applicants from Applied Mathematics or Finance major are also welcome. Overseas background is preferred. |
2 |
研究助理 (計算機科學與技術) (2人) |
Ⅰ Job Description 3D interactive website development. Ⅱ Job Description 3D reconstruction, mesh optimization algorithm and engineering implementation, ext. |
Ⅰ Job Requirement 1. Bachelor degree or above; 2. Have experience in website development; 3. Experience in 3D website development is preferred; 4. Have good programming habits and code specifications, and have rich experience in algorithm optimization. Ⅱ Job Requirement 1. Bachelor degree or above; 2. Interested in mathematical algorithms; 3. Experience with Unity, 3D modeling, CAD, image processing algorithms is preferred; 4. Have good programming habits and code specifications, and have rich experience in algorithm optimization. |
3 |
數據科學助理導師 (碩士課程) (理工科技學部) (1人) |
Job Description In this position, candidate will be responsible for: 1. Conducting tutorials and laboratories, preparing related materials; 2. Assisting to supervise course project, reviewing and providing comment to students; 3. Handling student’s assignments, quizzes, laboratory reports, and examination scripts; 4. Providing necessary administrative and academic assistance to instructors. |
Job Requirement 1. Candidate should have Master degree or above, and familiar with computer science related field; 2. Excellent skills in English reading, speaking and writing. Able to work in full English environment; 3. 1-2 years working experience in education area is preferred; 4. Candidate must be team players and also have ability to work independently; 5. Ability to work well under pressure with multiple tasks. |
4 |
體育中心體育老師 (全人教育辦公室) (2人) |
工作職責 申請人能夠教授以下兩個以上的課程:健身房健身、水下健身或者體育健康課程;申請人有潛力成為體質監測或者運動處方的專家。 |
任職資格 1、申請人具備一定的教學經驗和研究能力;具備團隊合作能力和獨立工作能力; 2、申請人必須要有體育或者運動健康專業的碩士學位,歡迎博士候選人申請; 3、申請人需要具備優秀的中英文聽說讀寫能力。 |
5 |
助理導師 (中國語言文化中心) (3人) |
工作職責 1、協助任課教師準備課程內容; 2、承擔討論課、輔導課的教學任務; 3、協助任課教師收發、批閱學生作業,登錄課程成績; 4、承擔本部門安排的其他工作。 |
任職資格 1、馬克思主義哲學、思想政治教育、文學、歷史、哲學等相關領域碩士畢業; 2、具備較好的中英文表達與寫作能力; 3、具備較強的獨立工作能力和合作意識; 4、工作認真細致; 5、具備優良的計算機操作能力; 6、有工作經驗者優先考慮,歡迎應屆畢業生。 |
6 |
助理導師 (通識教育辦公室) (1人) |
Job Description Candidates should be familiar with one or more of the following subjects: World Civilization courses, European History courses, World Religions courses, American History courses, or courses in Oriental Studies, East Asian Studies, Sociology and other Social Sciences, Philosophy, Art History, etc. The primary responsibilities are as follows: 1. Assist teaching faculty in preparing teaching, tutorial and assignment materials. 2. Maintain, manage & operate online platform (based on Moodle) for different courses. 3. Maintain and enhance online teaching and learning management systems, such as the gradebooks, scheduler, etc. 4. Assist in test and examination invigilation as assigned by the teaching faculty, the Office and the College. 5. Assist with academic advising. 6. Assist with academic conferences and research tasks. 7. Other administrative support to teaching faculties or General Education Office. |
Job Requirement 1. Candidates must have earned a master’s degree in the fields of ancient civilizations, Asian studies, history, religious studies, sinology, classical literature or other related areas. 2. One years’ or above experience working in multicultural environments and office preferred. 3. Good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese (including Putonghua), able to communicate with foreign teachers and interns, advertisement agency, as well as porters fluently. 4. Proficient IT literacy and computer skills (e.g. Photo Shop and MS Office). 5. Strong communications and interpersonal skills. 6. Good problem-solving skills, detailed-oriented, and team player. 7. Ability to work well under pressure with multiple tasks. |
7 |
計算機科學與技術/數據科學助理導師 (理工科技學部) (3人) |
Job Description Candidates should be strong and interested in the following subjects: computer programming language, data structure, algorithms, data analysis theories and tools, statistics and so on. The primary responsibilities are as follows: - Assist professor with classroom instruction, exam, record keeping, and other miscellaneous projects. - Conduct tutorials and laboratories. - Mark assignments, quizzes, laboratory reports, and examination scripts. - Review and comment on student projects. - Advise students and answer their questions. - Participate in research project. |
Job Requirement The applicant should have: 1) master/Bachelor in Computer Science and Technology/Data Science/Statistics; 2) excellent skills in English reading, speaking and writing; 3) strong communications skills; 4) the ability to work as a team player; and 5) the ability to work independently. |
8 |
應用心理學助理導師 (理工科技學部) (3人) |
Job Description Candidates should be interested in a wide range of psychology subjects (e.g., social psychology, personality, abnormal psychology, group dynamics, forensic psychology, health psychology, Chinese psychology, consumer psychology, experimental psychology, biological psychology, educational psychology, etc.). The primary responsibilities are as follows: 1. Assist professors or course instructors with teaching-related instructions, course assessments, record keeping, and other miscellaneous projects. 2. Conduct tutorials and laboratories. 3. Mark assignments, quizzes, laboratory reports, and examination scripts. 4. Review and comment on student projects. 5. Advise students and answer their questions. 6. Participate in research projects. |
Job Requirement The candidate should have: 1) Bachelor/Master in psychology from a recognized university; 2) excellent reading, spoken, and written skills in English language; 3) strong communications skills; and 4) the ability to work collaboratively and independently; Fresh graduates are considered. |
9 |
環境科學助理導師 (理工科技學部) (1人) |
Job Description The successful candidates will give assistance to teaching activities including support classroom administration, give tutorials for undergraduate students, handle undergraduate students’ assignments and quizzes in full English teaching environment, coordinate field trip, summer/winter programs and internship program etc. They will also assume some administrative duties, laboratory management, and research activities as appropriate to the role. This job may need to work at non-regular office hour occasionally. |
Job Requirement The applicant should have: 1) master degree in Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering, Biological Sciences, or Geography and Natural Science; 2) excellent skills in English reading, speaking and writing; 3) hand-on experience in remote sensing, geographic information system, wetland and ecological studies; and 4) enthusiasm in teaching, and good communication skill, and self-motivation. |
10 |
統計學助理導師 (理工科技學部) (1人) |
Job Description Candidates should be interested in the following subjects: Advanced Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Linear Regression Model, Stochastic Process, Optimization and so on. The primary responsibilities are as follows: 1. Assist professor with classroom instruction, exams, record keeping, and other miscellaneous projects; 2. Conduct tutorials and laboratories; 3. Mark assignments, quizzes, laboratory reports, and examination scripts; 4. Review and comment on student projects; 5. Advise students and answer their questions; 6. Participate in research project; 7. Other duties as assigned by Supervisor. |
Job Requirement 1. Candidates must have earned their Master/Msc/Mphil in applied areas of specialization in Mathematics and Statistics from a recognized university. 2. Excellent skills in English reading, speaking and writing. 3. Candidates must be team players and are willing to work independently at times. |
11 |
音樂表演助理導師(文化與創意學部) (1人) |
Job Description 1. To provide academic and administrative support to programme and division-related music event and activity arrangement; 2. To assist teaching faculties in preparing teaching, tutorial and assignment materials (7 courses per semester in average); 3. To assist with research tasks; 4. Other course administrative support to teaching faculties and DCC division office. 5. To take any other programme/division related tasks assigned by the PD and the Dean. |
Job Requirement 1. Bachelor’s Degree or above and be familiar with music courses, events, activities and performance etc; 2. Two years’ or above experience working in multicultural environment preferred; 3. Good communication skills in both Chinese and English; 4. Proficient computer skills (e.g. MS office) required, and graphic design skill preferred (e.g. Video editing, Photo shop and brochure design); 5. Strong communication and interpersonal skills; 6. Good problem-solving skills, detailed-oriented, and team player; 7. Ability to work well under pressure within multiple tasks simultaneously. |
12 |
電影電視助理導師(文化與創意學部) (2人) |
Ⅰ Job Description The duties of the full-time position include managing and developing the labs, managing equipment, assisting teachers to prepare teaching materials, and doing administrations and documentations assigned by the programme director. The candidate is required to attend meetings, give tutorials and organize events sometimes. Ⅱ Job Description This position offers a unique opportunity to develop teaching skills and experience by working directly with students under the supervision of professional instructors. This position is to provide instructional and administrative support for instructors, assisting them in teaching core classes and being responsible for leading. |
Ⅰ Job Requirement 1. Master or Bachelor Degree in related areas; 2. One or two years of working experience is preferable; 3. Enough communication skills in both Mandarin and English; 4. Word Office packages and professional software in media production, such as Final Cut X, Pro Tools, After Effect, etc; 5. The candidate is preferred to have industrial experiences, e.g. video producing or working at TV station or new media and having industrial connections; 6. The candidate is cooperative, patient, and enthusiastic. Ⅱ Job Requirement 1. Applicant should have a Master Degree related to communication/digital media/film/TV area; 2. Good command of both written and oral English; 3. Related work experience in media/communication/film/TV industry will be preferable; 4. Familiar with MS Office. |
序號 | 職位名稱/招聘人數 | 工作職責 | 任職資格 |
1 | Associate/Assistant Professor in Applied Translation Studies | Candidates with expertise in the following areas: Mandarin-English Interpreting, Chinese-English Practical Translation and Translation Theory. |
Job Requirement Candidates should have a PhD degree or have a Master's degree with extensive working experience in a related discipline. Successful candidates are expected to be committed to excellence in undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who can undertake independent research leading to outstanding outcomes, including publications in high quality international-refereed journals. |
2 | Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Data Science | Candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Database Management Systems, Programming Languages, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Data Processing, Statistics. |
Job Requirement Candidates should have a PhD or have a Master’s degree with extensive working experience in a related discipline. Successful candidates are expected to be committed to excellence in undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who can undertake independent research leading to outstanding outcomes, including publications in high quality international-refereed journals. |
3 | Professor/Associate/Assistant Professor in Financial Mathematics | Candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Financial Mathematics, Advanced Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Financial Derivatives, Financial Engineering, Risk Management in Finance, International Finance, Fixed Income Securities, Timer Series for Finance, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, Stochastic Processes, Dynamic Programming. |
Job Requirement Candidates should have earned Ph.D. in financial engineering or financial mathematics from a recognized university. Candidates from applied mathematics, computer science, or finance field are also welcome. Successful candidates are expected to be committed to excellence in undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who can undertake independent research leading to outstanding outcomes, including publications in high quality international-refereed journals. |
4 | Professor/Associate/Assistant Professor in Accounting | Candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Auditing, Financial Accounting, Financial Reporting, Accounting Information Systems, Cost and Management Accounting, Hong Kong Taxation, PRC Taxation, PRC Economic Law, Principles of Law, Company Law, Corporate Governance and Accounting, Principles of Accounting, Risk Management, Business Valuation, International Tax Planning, Forensic Accounting, AI and Big-data in Accounting and Finance. |
Job Requirement Candidates should have a PhD or have a Master’s degree with extensive working experience in a related discipline. Successful candidates are expected to be committed to excellence in undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who can undertake independent research leading to outstanding outcomes, including publications in high quality international-refereed journals. |
5 | Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in e-Business Management and Information Systems | Candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Database Management, Business Systems Design and Analysis, Electronic Commerce, Programming for Business Applications, IT Governance, Audit and Control, Telecommunications in Business, Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, Management Information Systems, Management Information Systems for Small and Medium Enterprises, Seminar in e-Business Management and Information Systems, Web Design and Development, Big Data Analysis and Applications, Information Security Management, e-Marketing, e-Customer Behaviours and Web Analytics, Developing Applications for Mobile and Social Media. |
Job Requirement Candidates should have a PhD or have a Master’s degree with extensive working experience in a related discipline. Successful candidates are expected to be committed to excellence in undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who can undertake independent research leading to outstanding outcomes, including publications in high quality international-refereed journals. |
6 | Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Statistics | Candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics and Probability, Regression Analysis, Multivariate Analysis, Categorical Data Analysis, optimization, Time Series Analysis, Survival Analysis, Actuarial mathematics, Data Mining and Bayesian Statistics. We are particularly interested in applicants whose research is in the field of applied statistics, data mining, logistics or actuarial mathematics. |
Job Requirement Candidates should have a PhD or have a Master’s degree with extensive working experience in a related discipline. Successful candidates are expected to be committed to excellence in undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who can undertake independent research leading to outstanding outcomes, including publications in high quality international-refereed journals. Research experience on Statistical modeling (Regression, Classification, Time-series forecasting) /Machine Learning /Text Mining /Optimization /Visualization are desirable. |
7 | Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Business Studies and Management | Candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Organizational Behavior, Business Ethics, Strategic Management, Marketing and Brand Management, Leadership Management, International Business, Business Communications, Principles of Marketing Management, Social Media Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Services Marketing Management, Social Enterprise Management & Social Impact Strategy, Management of Marketing Communication and Online Media, Human Resource Management, Business Research Methods, Qualitative Research Methods, Business Analytics. |
Job Requirement Candidates should have a PhD or have a Master’s degree with extensive working experience in a related discipline. Successful candidates are expected to be committed to excellence in undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who can undertake independent research leading to outstanding outcomes, including publications in high quality international-refereed journals. |
8 | Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Applied Mathematics | Candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Real Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis and Numerical Method, Optimization, Programming Languages, Machine Learning and Data Processing, Statistics etc. Successful candidates are expected to have strong academic background in related fields and perform services duties for the programme/Division, for example, daily operation of the programme and its strategic development. |
Job Requirement Candidates should have a PhD or have a Master’s degree with extensive working experience in a related discipline. Successful candidates are expected to be committed to excellence in undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who can undertake independent research leading to outstanding outcomes, including publications in high quality international-refereed journals. Academic rank will be determined in accordance with successful candidate’s experience and research accomplishments. |
9 | Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Cinema and Television | Candidates with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Communication Theories and Media Studies, Video or TV productions, Web Design, Digital Photo Imaging, Film Directing, Acting, Sound Recording, Cinematographing, Film Studies and Media Studies or Films related areas.The candidate is required to give tutorials to students, attend meetings, supervise final year projects, and organize events. |
Job Requirement The candidate is required to have a PhD degree with teaching experiences in a related discipline. Successful candidates are expected to be committed to excellence in undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who have industrial experiences, e.g. video producing or working at TV station and having industrial connections.The candidate should be cooperative, patient, and enthusiastic. |
10 | Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in Media and Communication Studies |
The new programme of Media and Communication Studies (MCOM) at UIC invites applications from student-centered teacher/scholars broadly trained in one of the following academic fields: 1) media history; 2) cultural anthropology; and 3) critical sociology. Applicants with interests in developing graduate level courses in critical media & cultural studies are especially encouraged to apply. As our programme strives to provide a solid academic foundation as well as hands-on technical skills in media production, the positions also welcome candidates with working experiences/research interests in digital publishing and/or documentary filmmaking to develop new courses for our students in the future. The ability and willingness to teach other courses in the programme, particularly in the core curriculum, is expected. |
Job Requirement All applicants should hold a PhD degree in media and communications, history, sociology, or anthropology with a commensurable research profile cutting across the above listed areas of media studies. Other requirements include a firm commitment to teaching and tutoring students as well as engaging in theory-based qualitative research. Teaching responsibilities of 3 courses per semester may include “Qualitative research method,” “Media and Society,” and another of the applicant’s own interests. Research experiences in ethnographic fieldwork or archival research will be an added asset. Successful candidates are expected to be committed to excellence in undergraduate or postgraduate teaching. Preference will be given to candidates who can undertake independent research leading to outstanding outcomes, including publications in high quality international-refereed journals. |
序號 | 職位名稱/招聘人數 | 工作職責 | 任職資格 |
1 |
行政助理/高級行政助理 (理工科技學部/數學研究中心) (1人) |
Job Description For DST: 1) To Assist Minor Programmes-related administrative task. The appointee is expected to perform the following duties: • handle various tasks including the programme application, accreditation, promotion, etc. • handle various aspects of student application, admission, exemption, course registration, etc. • manage student data; • handle student enquiries, 2) To provide administrative and clerical support to the Division. For IMR: 1) To provide assistant to academic activities hosted by Institute for Mathematical Research, including visitors’ reception, support to lectures, seminars and workshops; 2) To provide administrative support to academic staff of IMR, including purchase of office equipment, start-up funds application, etc. |
Job Requirement 1) Applicants should possess a university degree with at least two years of relevant work experience. Preference will be given to applicants possessing a Postgraduate Diploma in Education qualification, or with work experience in domestic universities. 2) They should also possess effective communication skill and a good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese. 3) At least two years of relevant work experience or with work experience in domestic universities. 4) They should also possess effective communication skill and a good command of both written and spoken English and Chinese. 5) Good interpersonal skills, Microsoft skills, analytical and problem solving skills and time management skills are required. |
1 |
JAVA軟件工程師 (信息科技服務中心) (2人) |
工作職責 1、根據軟件產品的設計需求進行軟件編碼工作,負責程序的設計、編寫、自測和集成測試; 2、掌握產品技術實現細節,負責解決項目開發中的關鍵問題和技術難題; 3、對于現有的應有系統提供技術支持。 |
任職資格 1、計算機相關專業,2年及以上Java開發經驗; 2、熟悉常用的開發工作,如Eclipse、maven、svn; 3、熟悉面向對象設計原理,熟悉設計模式; 4、熟悉主流的Java開源框架,如Spring MVC、Spring、Hibernate等; 5、熟悉一種或者幾種主流數據庫,如Mysql、Oracle、MS SQL Server等; 6、熟悉HTML、CSS、Ajax、JQuery、javascript等前端開發技術; 7、熟悉Spring Boot、Spring Cloud等優先考慮; 8、善于思考,喜歡鉆研技術,具有較強的學習能力,較高的工作主動性; 9、有良好的創新精神和團隊協作經驗。 |
2 |
系統實施及運維 (信息科技服務中心) (1人) |
工作職責 1、收集和發掘用戶需求,對用戶需求進行整理和評估; 2、利用學,F有系統的功能、平臺環境和API接口,實現系統的整合和互通; 3、推進運維自動化和運維數據的利用; 4、整理和編寫項目文檔和維護文檔; 5、參與日常系統運維及管理工作; 6、完成其他領導交代的工作。 |
任職資格 1、了解windows或者Linux系統管理,熟悉日常服務管理及命令行操作; 2、了解Linux腳本編程(Perl或者Python); 3、有C#編程經驗,能獨立構建和開發項目; 4、熟悉JavaScript和CSS,有一定的基礎網頁設計和JavaScript編程能力; 5、熟悉MS SQL Server使用及維護,熟悉SQL代碼編寫,能編寫存儲過程; 6、具有較強的邏輯四維能力和文檔編寫能力; 7、有系統項目實施經驗。 |
3 |
前端工程師 (創新中心) (2人) |
工作職責 負責項目: 智慧校園、信息管理系統 1. 負責web前端業務的開發,優化用戶體驗; 2. 負責web前端的功能開發和優化; 3. 負責web前端用戶體驗的設計和實現。 |
任職資格 1. 本科及以上學歷,計算機相關專業; 2. 精通JavaScript、Ajax等web開發技術,有良好的程序設計和架構能力; 3. 精通html/xhtml、css等網頁制作技術,熟悉頁面架構和布局; 4. 熟悉es2015、es2016規范,并有實踐經驗; 5. 有過任意一種流行前端框架的經驗,使用過vue為佳,包括但不限于React、Angular、ReactNative等; 6. 對前端常用工具webpack、gulp等能熟練應用,并有實踐經驗; 7. 有了解/用過jade,stylus,coffeescript及nodejs開發環境; 8. 具備團隊合作精神,能承受一定的工作壓力。 PS:如有項目,面試時請帶上并進行現場講解。 |
4 |
Python工程師 (創新中心) (2人) |
工作職責 負責項目:信息管理系統 1. 負責公司后臺項目的設計和開發工作; 2. 負責運維自動化平臺、任務調度后臺等內部工具開發; 3. 不斷提高團隊的代碼質量和工作效率,營造技術氛圍。 |
任職資格 1. 本科及以上學歷,3年以上Python經驗,熟悉Django, Tornado, Flask框架中的至少一種,熟悉Web后端架構; 2. 熟悉關系型數據庫和常用的NoSQL數據庫; 3. 熟悉Javascript,了解HTML、CSS; 4. 熟悉Linux平臺環境的開發,掌握Linux常用命令; 5. 對新技術有強烈的探索欲望,責任心強,善于團隊合作與管理; 6. 能承受一定的工作壓力。 PS:如有項目,面試時請帶上并進行現場講解。 |
5 |
測試工程師 (創新中心) (2人) |
工作職責 1. 深度參與產品研發項目,協同產品經理、項目經理、工程師團隊優質交付產品; 2. 參與質量體系規劃、建設; 3. 線上線下問題追蹤和分析; 4. 完善研發過程中質量和效率問題的發現機制,并提出明確改進意見。 |
任職資格 1. 計算機相關專業,本科及以上學歷; 2. 能夠獨立把握pc、手機端(安卓/IOS)的產品迭代工作; 3. 根據測試計劃,管理和優化測試環境; 4. 依測試方案進行系統級測試,包括功能測試、性能測試、測試框架和工具研發等,反饋及跟蹤產品缺陷; 5. 建立并維護測試流程和規范; 6. 工作細致認真,具備團隊合作精神,能承受一定的工作壓力。 |
序號 | 職位名稱/招聘人數 | 工作職責 | 任職資格 |
1 |
新聞公關處處長 (1人) |
Job Description The appointee is required to provide leadership for: 1) liaison with programmes/units to collect information and identify news opportunities of interest to international/local media; 2) delivery of strategic guidance and implementation of the PR plans; 3) organization of College Communication projects and events; 4) handling queries from different media sectors and internal staff; 5) development and management of the College PR and image strategy both internally and externally. |
Job Requirement Candidate should have a recognised degree in Communication, Marketing, Journalism or related disciplines. S/he should have a dynamic personality with excellent event-organisation, time-management, problem-solving and communication skills. The candidate is expected to be creative, highly self-motivated with extensive experience in related field. Superb language proficiency (written and spoken) in both English and Chinese is required for this position. |
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聯 系 人:人力資源處 賈老師
通訊地址:廣東省珠海市唐家灣金同路2000號 聯合國際學院