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中國科學院分子細胞科學卓越創新中心Cell Regeneration編輯部2022年招聘科學編輯

時間:2022-08-10來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名



Cell Regeneration是中國細胞生物學學會主辦的一本全英文,目標高水平國際化的科技期刊。現因工作需要面向國內外公開招聘1名全職科學編輯加入Cell Regeneration的專業編輯人才團隊,工作地點為上海。

Cell Regeneration網址:https://cellregeneration.springeropen.com













請應聘者將申請材料,包括個人中、英文簡歷(包括發表文章目錄、近期工作或生活照),學歷證明及其它相關資格證書復印件、工作設想等應聘材料等,通過電子郵件發送至:eic-cellreg@cscb.org.cn,郵件主題注明“Cell Regeneration編輯應聘 ”。薪酬待遇視個人具體經歷面談商定,面試時間另約。


Recruiting Position:Scientific Editor

Working Location:ShanghaiChina

Cell Regeneration is an English scientific journal published by the Chinese Society for Cell Biology, aiming to become a premium international journal publishing high-quality articles in modern biology, especially in the field of stem cell and the basic research of regenerative science. We are currently recruiting a full-time scientific editor to join the Cell Regeneration team in Shanghai. A competitive salary and benefits will be provided, depending on the background and experiences.


Successful candidates will be involved in editorial daily work.


Website address:https://cellregeneration.springeropen.com

Scan the QR code to access the website


Responsibilities will include:

1. Initially assessing submitted papers, sending out for peer review, and summarizing review opinions.

2. Actively interacting with front-line researchers, and commissioning a diverse variety of insightful review- and commentary-type content and high-level research papers, etc.

3. Writing academic news, preparing English publicity materials, etc., and promoting the journal globally.

4. Providing immediate and satisfactory supports to the Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor-in-Chief in all aspects of journal related work.



Preferred qualifications:

1.The expertise with a Ph.D. in cell biology, biochemistry, molecular genetics, or related areas. Education background or work experience in stem cells or organ regeneration would be a plus.

2.A strong publication record in the recognized scientific journals. At least one first-author publication in the well-known journals is required for applying for this position.

3.The ability to successfully work independently after training. Prior editorial experience would be preferred but not required.

4. A good command of Chinese and English in writing and editing, a keen interest in science and editorial work, and a good sense of responsibility and collaboration.


Applicants interested in this position please send the application materials, including a Curriculum Vitae (in English and Chinese, with a photo), copies of your publications and other relevant certificates, and personal statement to:eic-cellreg@cscb.org.cn(subject: Cell Regeneration Editor Application).


