
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 研究院所博士后招收 > 英國劍橋大學2023年招聘博士后職位(統計學)



時間:2023-10-27來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


劍橋大學(University of Cambridge),位于英國劍橋郡,是一所公立研究型大學。


劍橋大學是英國羅素大學集團、全球大學高研院聯盟、國際應用科技開發協作網及劍橋大學醫療伙伴聯盟成員,衍育了科技聚集地“硅沼(Silicon Fen)”。設八座文理博物館,館藏逾1500萬冊的圖書館系統及全球最古老的出版社——劍橋大學出版社。

Postdoctoral Research Associates in Statistics x 2 (Fixed Term)

University of Cambridge

Postdoctoral Research Associates in Statistics x 2 (Fixed Term)

Applications are invited for two Research Associate positions available in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics to work in the area of Statistics. Funding for this post will come from Professor Richard Samworth's European Research Council Advanced Grant, entitled 'Robust statistical methodology and theory for large-scale data'. This programme of research recognises that in the Big Data era, the complexities of data structures and the phenomena we seek to study through data make it increasingly hard to feel confident in simple, traditional statistical models. We should therefore seek procedures that are robust, by which we mean that our procedures should perform well with respect to as wide a class of data generating mechanisms as possible.

Duties include developing and conducting individual and collaborative research objectives, proposals and projects. The role holders will be expected to plan and manage their own research and administration, with guidance if required. They must be able to communicate material of a technical nature and be able to build internal and external contacts. They may be asked to assist in the supervision of student projects, the development of student research skills, provide instruction or plan/deliver seminars relating to the research area.

The successful candidate should have, or be close to completing, a PhD in Statistics or a related discipline. You will be experienced in either high- dimensional or nonparametric statistics. Demonstrable ability to produce academic writing of the highest publishable quality is essential.

The post holder will be supervised by Professor Richard Samworth.

Interviews will be held via Zoom in early January 2024

Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available for 2 years in the first instance.

Click the 'Apply' button below to register an account with our recruitment system (if you have not already) and apply online.

Please indicate the contact details of two academic referees on the online application form and upload a full curriculum vitae, an outline proposal for future research (not to exceed 2 pages) and a covering letter. Please ensure that both your referees are contactable at any time during the selection process, and is made aware that they will be contacted by the Mathematics HR Office Administrator to request that they upload a reference for you to our Web Recruitment System at the point of application; and please encourage them to do so promptly.

Informal inquiries can be made by contacting Professor Richard Samworth at rjs57@cam.ac.uk

Please quote reference LF38942 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society. We particularly welcome applications from women and /or candidates from a BME background for this vacancy as they are currently under-represented at this level in our Department.

The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.


Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics








16 October 2023

Closing date

8 December 2023


