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時間:2022-09-15來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


Post-Doctoral Position In Central Nervous System Axon Regeneration

Universities And Institutes Of France


Organisation/Company: INSERM - Grenoble Insitute of Neurosciences

Research Field: Neurosciences › Neurobiology

Researcher Profile: Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3)

Application Deadline: 05/10/2022 21:00 - Europe/Athens

Location: France › Grenoble

Type Of Contract: Temporary

Job Status: Full-time

Hours Per Week: 38,5

Offer Starting Date: 15/11/2022

Reference Number: U1216HN2022

A 2 years Postdoctoral position founded by Wings For Life foundation is available at HomairaNawabi's team (Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience GIN INSERM U1216, University Grenoble- Alpes, FRANCE).

https: // nblab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr

Central Nervous system (CNS) neurons are not able to regenerate after injury, leading to irreversible loss of cognitive and motor function. Today, no treatment is available for patients with traumatic of chronic injury like neurodegenerative disease. This represents a huge challenge for medicine and society. We recently identified novel molecules with high therapeutic value to treat CNS injury and promote regeneration and functional recovery. The proposed project is to challenge our molecules in the context of spinal cord injuries to determine potential circuit reformation and functional recovery.

Qualifications: We seek an enthusiastic, highly motivated post-doctoral fellow to work on mechanisms of axon degeneration/regeneration in the spinal cord. The candidate needs to hold a PhD with good record of publications but with no more than 2 years after getting PhD. Candidate needs a strong background in histology and cell biology. Knowledge in mouse handling, surgery and behavior tests, as well as microscopy will be greatly appreciated. We offer a close supervision in a motivated team and a stimulating scientific environment.

Location: The laboratory is part of the GIN Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences, at Inserm (French institute of health) and Grenoble Alpes University research center devoted to understanding brain functions in health and diseases. The GIN is composed of research teams specialized in the study of physiological processes or in pathologies of the nervous system and in the development of innovating techniques to explore them and provides with the state-of-the-art platforms and technologies (animal facility, microscopy facility). The GIN is founder member of the Grenoble center of excellence in neurodegenerative disorders (GREEN). Grenoble is an active research city in France located three hours from Paris by train. HomairaNawabi's team is focused on the analysis of neuronal circuit reformation after injury. The group is founded by National (ANR, University) and international (ERC, Wings for Life) grants.

Required Research Experiences


Neurosciences › Neurobiology


4 - 10

Offer Requirements


Neurosciences: PhD or equivalent


The candidate needs to hold a PhD with good record of publications but with no more than 2 years after getting PhD. Candidate needs a strong background in histology and cell biology. Knowledge in mouse handling, surgery and behavior tests, as well as microscopy will be greatly appreciated.

Contact Information

Organisation/Company: INSERM - Grenoble Insitute of Neurosciences

Organisation Type: Public Research Institution

Website: https: // nblab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/research-project/ https: // neurosciences.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/en/research/research- teams/team-...

E-Mail: homaira.nawabi@inserm.fr

Country: France

City: Grenoble

Postal Code: 38700

Street: Chemin Fortune Ferrini


