現任猶他大學地理系教授(終身)、博士生導師、中國科學院南京地理與湖泊研究所博士生導師。曾擔任美國國家科學基金終審員、世界銀行顧問/專家、美國華人教授科學家協會執行理事及海外華人地理信息系統協會副主席、美國地理學會(AAG)中國專業委員會主席、亞洲地理專業委員會主席及區域發展與規劃專業委員會主席。現任Eurasian Geography and Economics (SSCI)、Applied Geography(SSCI)及Chinese Geographic Science (SCI)編委、世界地理研究副主編等。研究受到美國國家科學基金、德國洪堡基金、中國自然科學基金和中國科學院海外創新群體等資助。累計出版中英文專著各一部、主編雜志專輯七個、發表英文期刊論文80多篇,其中SSCI論文70多篇。榮獲中國國家(海外)杰出青年科學基金、美國地理學會區域發展與規劃專業委員會杰出研究獎、威斯康星大學密爾沃基分校杰出研究獎。
現任中國科學院南京地理與湖泊研究所研究員、博士生導師。先后主持4項國家自然科學基金項目、1 項國家教育部科技重點項目以及30 多項省市政府委托的研究項目。目前在研國家自然科學基金項目“長江三角洲集裝箱港口體系轉型發展的空間組織機理”(41271136)。近年主要對沿海集裝箱港口體系形成演化機理、區域綜合交通可達性格局演化和綜合物流網絡構建等進行了研究,其成果對促進運輸地理學發展有一定推動作用;同時還參與了長江三角洲地區區域規劃、主持了安徽省沿江城市群規劃、江西省和湖南省沿江開發總體規劃以及相關市的區域規劃和產業規劃工作,為區域發展提供決策咨詢。發表論文80 余篇,曾獲吳傳鈞人文地理優秀論文二獎、全國青年地理學家優秀論文二獎、安徽省自然科學三等獎和安徽省自然科學優秀學術論文二等獎各一次。
聯系人:袁豐 博士
Postdoctoral Fellow in Human Geography
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS
The Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology (NIGL) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) invites applicants for the postdoctoral fellowship in human geography. NIGL has research expertise in urban and regional development, resources, and environment in China, especially in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD). NIGL has comprehensive doctoral and postdoctoral programs in human geography, physical geography, geographic information systems, and environmental science.
Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in human geography or a related discipline and have research experience in urban and regional development, regional planning, and/or transport geography. Applicants are expected to have good communications skills, the ability to work both independently and collaboratively, and a strong publication record in SCI/SSCI/EI journals. The fellowship is for two years, with a possible renewal depending on performance. Postdoctoral fellows will receive an annual basic stipend of RMB70,000 yuan, with medical benefits and insurance. Foreign postdoctoral fellows may also apply for extra funding from the CAS.
To apply for this position please send an email to Dr. Yuan Feng ( Please include your curriculum vitae, personal statement, 2-3 representative publications, and contact information for two references.
Brief introduction of advisors
CHEN Wen, professor, is Director of the Division of Resource, Environment and Regional Development and Director of Center for Urban and Regional Development at NIGL. She is also Vice Director of the Economic Geography Commission of the Geographical Society of China. She is now the PI of a National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) project—“A Study of Spatial Organization Mechanism and Optimization Models for Integration in the Yangtze River Delta Region.” She has been PI of many grants and projects funded by NSFC, CAS and Chinese governmental agencies. Her research interests include spatial organization and development, greening of industry, second-tier cities, location of manufacturing industries, and regional planning. She is the author of more than 100 referenced journal articles. She has received the National Science and Technology Progress Award, CAS Science and Technology Progress Award, National Young Geographer Scientific Award and First Prize of Wu Chuanjun Excellent Paper in Human Geography Award.
Yehua Dennis WEI is a professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Utah and a guest professor at NIGL. He was advisor/panelist for the National Science Foundation, a consultant for the World Bank, Vice President of Chinese Professionals in GIS, and Chair of China Geography, Asian Geography, and Regional Development and Planning Specialty Groups in the Association of American Geographers (AAG). He serves as an editorial board member of Eurasian Geography and Economics, Applied Geography and Chinese Geographic Science, and associate editor of Shijie Dili Yanjiu (World Regional Studies). His research has been funded by the NSF, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, NSFC, and CAS. He is the editor of 7 journal special issues and the author of 2 monographs and more than 80 peer-reviewed English journal articles (more than 70 in SSCI). He has received awards for research excellence from the NSFC (Outstanding Young Scientist Award), AAG’s Regional Development and Planning Specialty Group and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
CAO Youhui, professor, is mainly engaged in research on the coastal port system of China, spatial structure and evolution of regional transport accessibility, and integrated logistics network. He has been PI of many research projects from the NSFC, the Chinese Ministry of Education, and provincial and municipal governments. His ongoing NSFC project deals with Spatial Organization and the Mechanism of the Yangtze River Delta Container Port System. He is also involved in Regional Planning of the YRD, Development Plan for the Reaches of the Yangtze River in Jiangxi and Hunan, and regional planning and industrial planning for many cities. He is the author of more than 80 referenced journal articles and received the Second Prize of Wu Chuanjun Excellent Papers in Human Geography Award and Second Prize of National Young Geographer Scientific Award.