田納西大學諾克斯維爾分校(The University of Tennessee,Knoxville),簡稱“田納西大學”,是田納西州的旗艦大學,田納西大學系統的成員,是一所公立研究型大學,成立于1794年,也是美國歷史最悠久的公立大學之一,東南聯盟的創始成員院校。 [202501211443512693.jpg]
University of Tennessee Health Science Center-Physiology
Memphis, Tennessee
Closing date
Apr 15, 2025
NIH-funded postdoctoral position immediately available to study physiological signaling mechanisms which contribute to neurovascular coupling and pathological alterations which underlie cerebrovascular disease. Projects include studying arterial smooth muscle cell and endothelial cell ion channels. Approaches include the extensive use of inducible and cell-specific transgenic mouse models, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunofluorescence, super-resolution microscopy, in vivo two-photon calcium imaging, arterial myography, laser speckle contrast imaging, and blood pressure telemetry. Lab members receive in-depth mentoring and training to pursue their career goals. This position includes a full benefits package. Experience with neuroscience and cardiovascular physiology is preferred, but not necessary. Required qualifications include a PhD or MD in physiology or a related field. Email CV and name and contact information of three referees to Dr. Jonathan H. Jaggar, Bronstein Endowed Professor of Physiology, Department of Physiology, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USA to jjaggar@uthsc.edu. More information about Dr. Jaggar and the laboratory can be found at https://www.uthsc.edu/physiology/about/jaggar.php and https://jaggar.lab.uthsc.edu/