埃默里大學(Emory University),始建于1836年,位于美國佐治亞州亞特蘭大市,私立研究型大學,美國大學協會成員,“新常春藤”、美國教育理事會成員。
2023年U.S. News美國最佳大學排名中,埃默里大學位列第22名;2024年,被福布斯列入10所“新私立藤校”名單之中。
Post Doctoral Fellow in Spatial Omics and/or Biology
Emory University School of Medicine, Human Genetics, Shi Lab
Atlanta, Georgia
Competitive salary + benefits
Closing date
Feb 15, 2025
Dr. Hailing Shi’s lab at Emory University School of Medicine is seeking highly motivated Postdoctoral Fellows for two positions in wet lab and dry lab research, contributing to cutting-edge projects in spatial omics and spatial RNA biology.
Shi Lab is affiliated with the Department of Human Genetics of Emory School of Medicine, Emory Center for Neurodegenerative Disease, and Emory Winship Cancer Institute. Located in the new state-of-the-art research building HSRB-II and surrounded by investigators from brain health, biomedical engineering, pediatrics, the Emory Vaccine Center, etc., the lab is devoted to developing innovative spatial omics approaches and collaborative and interdisciplinary programs.
Learn more on the lab website: https://www.hailing-shi-lab.org
Open positions:
We value teamwork and the ability to work collaboratively in interdisciplinary teams and effectively communicate findings. We value excellent communication skills in a fast-paced multi-disciplinary working environment.
Wet Lab Postdoctoral Fellow:
Highly motivated candidates with a recent PhD or MD/PhD degree in molecular biology, genetics, neuroscience, chemical biology, cell biology, biochemistry, bioengineering, or a related field are encouraged to apply.
Demonstrated record of achievements, publications, and experience in one or more of the following are preferred: implementing and optimizing library preparation and next-generation sequencing (RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, etc), single-cell or spatial transcriptomics, CRISPR-based perturbation and functional genomics, advanced confocal microscopy, tissue handling, advanced cell culture systems, in vitro and in vivo gene delivery using viral or non-viral systems, biomaterial/hydrogel engineering.
Apply at: https://faculty-emory.icims.com/jobs/139404/post-doctoral-fellow/job
Dry Lab Postdoctoral Fellow:
Highly motivated candidates with a recent PhD or MD/PhD degree in bioinformatics, computational biology, genomics, data science, or a related field are encouraged to apply. Advanced expertise in Python, R, MATLAB, or similar programming languages and familiarity with high-performance computing environments or cloud platforms are required.
Demonstrated record of achievements, publications, and experience in one or more of the following are preferred: single-cell and/or spatial omics data analysis, tools and workflows for image analysis (e.g., ImageJ/Fiji, CellProfiler), perturbation dataset analysis, machine learning and statistical methods for spatial or high-dimensional data, developing and maintaining databases.
Apply at: https://faculty-emory.icims.com/jobs/139409/post-doctoral-fellow/job