約翰斯·霍普金斯大學(Johns Hopkins University,簡稱Hopkins或JHU)創立于1876年,是一所醫學排名世界第二的私立綜合研究型大學,世界上第一所研究型大學,位于美國馬里蘭州巴爾的摩市,北美學術聯盟美國大學協會(AAU)創始校之一、華盛頓都會區大學聯合會附屬成員校。
Postdoctoral Fellow
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Qualified postdoctoral candidates are invited to join the laboratory of Dr. Vassilis Koliatsos at the Division of Neuropathology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine http://labs.pathology.jhu.edu/koliatsos.
Research focus in the Koliatsos Lab is molecular mechanisms of neural injury and repair, with current emphasis on protection of axons and CNS pathways with grafts of neuronal precursors, genetic editing and small-molecule strategies. Diseases of interest include traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative disorders.
Candidates with a doctoral degree (Ph.D. or M.D. or both) and strong background in cellular/molecular neuroscience and animal models of disease or experimental neuropathology are encouraged to apply. Experience with human stem cell manipulation/neuronal differentiation or transplantation experiments is important.
Johns Hopkins University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and provides a stimulating and collaborative environment for biomedical research. Our lab is affiliated with the Departments of Pathology, Neurology, and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. The Baltimore/Washington D.C. region also offers great living and entertainment opportunities.
To apply please provide a cover letter (with statement of prior experience and research interests), CV, and contact information for 3 references to Dr. Vassilis Koliatsos at koliat@jhmi.edu.
Qualified postdoctoral candidates are invited to join the laboratory of Dr. Vassilis Koliatsos at the Division of Neuropathology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine http://labs.pathology.jhu.edu/koliatsos.
Research focus in the Koliatsos Lab is molecular mechanisms of neural injury and repair, with current emphasis on protection of axons and CNS pathways with grafts of neuronal precursors, genetic editing and small-molecule strategies. Diseases of interest include traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative disorders.
Candidates with a doctoral degree (Ph.D. or M.D. or both) and strong background in cellular/molecular neuroscience and animal models of disease or experimental neuropathology are encouraged to apply. Experience with human stem cell manipulation/neuronal differentiation or transplantation experiments is important.
Johns Hopkins University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and provides a stimulating and collaborative environment for biomedical research. Our lab is affiliated with the Departments of Pathology, Neurology, and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. The Baltimore/Washington D.C. region also offers great living and entertainment opportunities.
To apply please provide a cover letter (with statement of prior experience and research interests), CV, and contact information for 3 references to Dr. Vassilis Koliatsos at koliat@jhmi.edu.a