
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 美國弗吉尼亞大學2024年招聘博士后(海洋生物地球化學項目)



時間:2024-12-06來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


弗吉尼亞大學(University of Virginia),簡稱“UVa”,坐落于美國弗吉尼亞州夏洛茨維爾,是一所公立綜合研究型大學。由美國第三任總統、《獨立宣言》起草人托馬斯·杰斐遜于1819年創建,是美國歷史上首個獨立于教會的大學,也是被聯合國教科文組織列入《世界遺產名錄》的高等院校。

Research Associate in Environmental Sciences


University of Virginia


Charlottesville, Virginia

Closing date

Dec 20, 2024

The Department of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate, who is excited about the opportunity to work on computational ocean biogeochemistry in a dynamic and collaborative research environment. This position will be in the lab of Professor Scott Doney.

The Postdoctoral Research Associate will work as part of a team of scientists on coastal and open-ocean biogeochemical projects. The focus is primarily on the response of coastal and marine ecosystems to natural variability, climate change, and direct human perturbations. Research duties will include a mix of data analysis, numerical model development, and satellite remote sensing. The Postdoctoral Research Associate will present their findings at national scientific conferences and publish in high impact, peer-reviewed journals.

QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: A PhD in Oceanography or a related discipline is required by the appointment start date. The candidate must have effective oral and written communication skills. The candidate must have a working knowledge of either advanced data analysis, numerical modeling, or satellite remote sensing methods for marine systems. The candidate is also expected to have expertise in ocean science, and a background in biogeochemistry or ecology is preferred. The successful candidate is also expected to help mentor undergraduates and graduate students in the laboratory.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Apply online at https://uva.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/UVAJobs and attach a cover letter, CV/resume, and contact information for three references (name, email address, telephone number, and address).

Please note that multiple documents can be uploaded in the box.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin on November 25, 2024, but the position will remain open until filled. The University will perform background checks on all new hires prior to employment.

This is a one-year appointment; however, the appointment may be renewed for an additional two, one-year increments, contingent upon available funding and satisfactory performance.

For questions regarding this position, contact Prof. Scott Doney, at scg5s@virginia.edu.

For questions regarding the application process, contact Rich Haverstrom, Academic Recruiter, at rkh6j@virginia.edu.

For more information on the benefits available to postdoctoral associates at UVA, visit postdoc.virginia.edu and hr.virginia.edu/benefits.


