加利福尼亞大學圣迭戈分校(University of California,San Diego;簡稱UCSD或UC San Diego),本名為加利福尼亞大學拉霍亞分校。位于美國圣迭戈的海濱城鎮拉荷亞(La Jolla),一所公立研究型大學,環太平洋大學聯盟、國際公立大學論壇和美國大學協會成員,入選英國政府“高潛力人才簽證計劃”。
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of California San Diego
Job Description
The Pediatric Immunization Advancement Laboratory (www.pialab.org) at the University of California San Diego is recruiting two Postdoctoral Research Scholars. Our translational research program studies immune responses to natural infections and vaccinations, mucosal immunity, and the interplay between host microbial and immunological factors. Successful candidates must be capable of working in highly multidisciplinary research teams.
Two positions are available for highly curious, independent, and motivated candidates with experience in:
1. Microbiology/Virology/Immunology.
Minimum Requirement: Ph.D. in related fields (Biology, Microbiology, Virology, or Immunology)
Preferred Qualifications:
- Practical experience in advanced immunological, virological, microbiological and pathological methods
- Experience working with human or laboratory animal samples
- Be able to successfully interact with diverse stakeholders including faculty, clinicians, bench scientists, translational researchers, and students.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills. Have at least two first-author papers in peer-reviewed journals or conference proceedings.
2. Epidemiology/Biostatistics. The successful candidate will work with our bioinformatician to analyze longitudinal cohort datasets that include epidemiologic, clinical, immunologic, and microbiologic data.
Minimum Requirement: Ph.D. in related fields (epidemiology, biostatistics, biomedical informatics, or computer science/engineering).
Preferred Qualifications:
- Practical experience in epidemiological studies, data science, predictive modeling, deep learning, and causal inference.
- Be proficient with programming (e.g., R, Python, SPSS, SAS).
- Be able to successfully interact with diverse stakeholders including faculty, clinicians, bench scientists, translational researchers, and students.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills. Have at least two first-author papers in peer-reviewed journals or conference proceedings.
The Postdoctoral Scholars will engage in related training and research activities, hone proposal/grant preparation skills, publish scholarly articles, advance teaching skills and presentation skills, as well as network with the broader research community.
Expected Salary: Commensurate with education and experience.