杜伊斯堡-埃森大學(University of Duisburg-Essen)是德國一所綜合性公立大學,也是全球頂尖新興大學,2003年由杜伊斯堡大學(Gerhard Mercator Universität Duisburg)和埃森大學(Universität Gesamthochschule Essen)合并而成,是德國占地面積最大的大學之一,校區分別設在杜伊斯堡和埃森兩座城市。
Postdoc in preclinical hematology research (m/f/d)
Universitätsklinikum (AöR)
Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen (DE)
EG 13 TV-L
Closing date
3 Nov 2024
Postdoc in preclinical hematology research (m/f/d)
(pay grade: EG 13 TV-L)
Work Area: Clinic for Hematology and Stem Cell Transplantation - Research Laboratory
Job ID: 11527
Start Date: Next possible date
Work Scope: full-time employment / 38,5 h
Contract Type: temporary Contract duration: 31.07.2026; in accordance with § 2 (2) WissZeitVG for the duration of the project
Your tasks:
Postdoctoral research in the area of preclinical hematology research
Management of in vitro and particularly in vivo studies in the scientific project
Supervision of students and technical assistants
Conduction and analysis of in vitro and in vivo experiments
Bioinformatic analyses of large datasets (bulk and single cell NGS datasets)
Your profile:
Completed Diploma or Master degree and a PhD in natural sciences
Competence in standard laboratory methods (PCR, immunoblotting, flow cytometry)
Ability to work in teams
Self-motivated, creative and proactive
Fluent in English, ideally basic command of the German language
Experience in CAR-T technology, in the culture of murine T cells and in the transduction of murine target cells desirable
Computer experience (analysis of mass and single cell data) advantageous
Look forward to:
A laboratory focused on studying the efficacy, mode of action and resistance mechanisms of immune checkpoint therapeutics, cellular therapies (CAR-T) and small molecule inhibitors in preclinical models of DLBCL.
The use of traditional methods (mouse modeling, mass RNA/DNA sequencing, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, etc.) as well as single cell and spatial technologies (CyTOF, scRNA sequencing, GeoMX).
An activity within a project focused on improving CAR-T and bispecific antibody therapy in DLBCL by using CRISPR screening methods in a murine model system.
An internationally visible, friendly, collaborative and motivated work environment
The freedom to realize own research ideas
Access to cutting-edge in vivo model systems and modern technology platforms
Great opportunities for scientific collaboration with leading international researchers
Support in obtaining the necessary qualification for an academic career
A secure job in the public service of the state of NRW
Fair payment in accordance with the collective wage agreement (TV-L) incl. annual bonus payment and supplementary company pension scheme
30 days of vacation per calendar year (for a full-time position)
Interdisciplinary work with colleagues from other departments
Working with modern equipment and certified quality standards
Family-friendly corporate culture, e.g. company daycare center, vacation program for school-age children, advice and support from the Employee Service Office in all life situations
Wide range of training and continuing education opportunities, e.g. at the Training Academy of UK Essen
Health Management, e.g. company integration management, vaccinations, promotion of sports activities
Attractive fringe benefits, e.g. reduced-price canteen meals, community events, accommodation in student residences
General conditions:
The pay grade classification depends on the personal and collective legal prerequisites.
The University Hospital Essen is an equal opportunity employer. Female scientists are particularly encouraged to apply.
The participation in secondary employment depends on the „Hochschulnebentätigkeitsverordnung“ of North-Rhine Westphalia.
Disabled applicants will be preferentially considered in case of equivalent qualification.
The position is also available as part-time employment.”
Contact person and further information about the position:
Dr. Gero Knittel, 0201 - 723 - 83394, gero.knittel@uk-essen.de
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