GFZ是亥姆霍茲波茨坦中心,德國地學中心,全稱是Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ)。
Postdoctoral researcher (f_m_x) Active tectonics
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
Closing date
30 Sep 2024
Job description:
The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is the national centre for research into the geosphere. With around 1,650 employees, we develop a sound understanding of systems and processes of the solid Earth as well as strategies and options for action to counter global change, understand natural hazards and sustainably secure energy and raw material requirements.
For Section 4.1 Lithosphere Dynamics (Department 4: Geosystems), we are looking for a: Reference Number 9763
We, the Lithosphere Dynamics section at GFZ Potsdam, are a multi-disciplinary, international, welcoming and enthusiastic research group fascinated by fundamental tectonic processes governing the behaviour of convergent margins across various spatial and temporal scales.
To enrich our team, we are currently seeking a motivated candidate in the broadly defined field of active tectonics including one or more of the following: seismology, seismotectonics, paleo-seismology, tectonic geodesy, tectonic geomorphology, and numerical/analogue modelling. We are looking forward to collaborating with candidates who will use novel and interdisciplinary approaches to enhance our understanding of convergent plate-boundaries.
Together with our team the candidate will perform field (or lab) experiments or collect observational data in the above mentioned disciplines. The candidate will develop and apply advanced data processing, signal analysis and numerical or conceptual models to interpret the obtained results. We particularly value those who can think beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries, such as by working at the interfaces of the above-mentioned fields, and foster collaborative research both within and beyond geological subjects.
We particularly value those who can think beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries, such as by working at the interfaces of the below-mentioned fields, and foster collaborative research both within and beyond geological subjects.
Your responsibilities:
Collect data, develop and apply advanced data processing and signal analysis and numerical or conceptual models to interpret the obtained results in:
Tectonic geodesy
Tectonic geomorphology
Numerical/analogue modelling
Your qualifications:
Master`s degree and PhD in geosciences or another relevant field
A substantial interest in understanding plate-boundary kinematics and dynamics
Motivation to independently develop and push forward a research project
Strong communication and writing skills, proficiency in English
An aptitude to collaborate within and outside our section and to work constructively in different cultural settings
Start date: 1st January 2025
Fixed-term: 3 years
Salary: The position is classed as salary group 13 according to “TVöD Bund (Tarifgebiet Ost)”. The salary group is determined on the basis of the Collective Wage Agreement and the respective personal qualifications.
Working hours: Full-time (currently 39 h/week); The position is generally suitable for part-time work.