圣塔菲研究所(SFI,Santa Fe Institute,SFI),位于美國新墨西哥州圣塔菲市的非盈利性研究機構,世界知名的復雜性科學研究中心,成立于1984年,該所的主要研究方向是復雜系統科學。該所于1984年由喬治·考溫,大衛·潘恩斯,斯特林·科爾蓋塔,諾貝爾物理學獎獲得者默里·蓋爾曼,尼克·麥特羅博利斯,赫布·安德森,彼得·A·卡拉瑟斯,以及理查德·斯蘭斯基等人一同創辦。幾人中除了潘恩斯與蓋爾曼外均是來自洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室的科學家。
Santa Fe Institute Complexity Postdoctoral Fellowships
Santa Fe Institute
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Job Number: 7267332
Posting Date: Jul 26, 2024
Application Deadline: Oct 11, 2024
Job Description
The Complexity Postdoctoral Fellowships, comprising the Omidyar Fellowship, at the Santa Fe Institute are unique among postdoctoral appointments. The Fellowships offer early-career scholars the opportunity to join a collaborative research community that nurtures creative, transdisciplinary thought in pursuit of key insights about the complex systems that matter most for science and society. The Institute rejects compartmentalized thought common in academia. Instead, SFI scientists transcend boundaries between fields, freely synthesizing ideas spanning many disciplines – from math, physics, computer science and biology to the social sciences and the humanities – in pursuit of creative insights that advance our scientific frontiers.
We are open for applications from July 29th - October 11th, 2024 for the 2025 cohort
* a Ph.D. in any scientific discipline (granted within 6 years of the application deadline or expect to receive one by September 2025)
* strong computational and quantitative skills
* an exemplary academic record
* a proven ability to work both independently and collaboratively
* a demonstrated interest in multidisciplinary research
* evidence of the ability to think beyond traditional paradigms
The SFI Complexity Postdoctoral Fellowships offers you:
- freedom to pursue your own research agenda without boundaries
- up to three years in residence at the Santa Fe Institute
- dedicated funds for research and collaboration
- a structured leadership training program
- competitive salary and paid family leave
- opportunities for transdisciplinary collaboration with leading researchers worldwide
Applications are welcome from:
* candidates from any country
* candidates from any scientific discipline with strong quantitative skills
* women and members of underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply
SFI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic global community. SFI is responsive to the needs of dual career couples and is committed to building a culturally diverse research environment.
U.S. citizenship is not a requirement, however, you must be legally able to work in the US. SFI will sponsor a J1 Visa for successful candidates. SFI is not able to sponsor a H1B Visa for candidates.
SFI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic global community. Women and members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply. SFI is responsive to the needs of dual career couples and is committed to building a culturally diverse research environment.
Contact Information:
Hilary Skolnik
United States