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時間:2024-08-06來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


普利茅斯大學(University of Plymouth)始建于1862年,是一所坐落于英格蘭普利茅斯的公立綜合性研究型大學,為海洋可再生能源研究聯盟、江蘇—英國高水平大學聯盟、英國大學聯盟、英聯邦大學協會、歐洲大學協會成員。

Post Doctoral Research Fellow

University of Plymouth - Centre for Mathematical Sciences

Post Doctoral Research Fellow in strong-field quantum electrodynamics

The Centre for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Plymouth (UoP) is offering a postdoctoral position in theoretical physics, starting November 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter (but not later than May 2025).

You will undertake research on a range of topics in quantum field theory in electromagnetic backgrounds (e.g. strong field QED, laser-particle interactions, nonlinear vacuum optics) as well as liaise and work with project partners from simulation and experiment. The work will have analytical and numerical components with one focus being on calculations supporting the BIREF@HIBEF experiment (arXiv:2405.18063). You will participate in group meetings and give research presentations in international conferences.

The Theoretical Physics group at UoP comprises 6 members of staff, as well as postdocs and PhD students. Research interests in the group include QFT in external fields, strong-field QED, the worldline formalism, BSM physics, effective field theory and lattice QCD.

You must have a PhD, or equivalent, in physics or a related discipline, and research experience in theoretical or high-energy physics. Previous experience with external field problems in QFT, with strong-field QED, nonlinear optics or with machine learning, is desirable but not essential.

Please attach a Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages, including a link to a full publication list) and a statement of research interests (max 2 pages) when submitting your application

Additionally, you should arrange for two referees to send letters of recommendation to b.king@plymouth.ac.uk before the application deadline.

Please demonstrate how you meet the essential criteria outlined in the knowledge, qualifications, training and experience elements of the job description in your supporting statement.

For an informal discussion to find out more about the role then please contact Ben King: by email at b.king@plymouth.ac.uk

Interviews are likely to take place week commencing Monday 9 September 2024 and you will be notified if you have been shortlisted or not.

This is a full-time position working 37 hours per week on a fixed-term basis for 36 months, due to Funding.

We offer a competitive salary package and a generous pension and holiday scheme. We also offer a range of other benefits/support mechanisms, including ongoing development opportunities, flexible working, staff networks and enhanced maternity, paternity and adoption leave.

A summary of our comprehensive benefits can be viewed here.

Closing date: 12 midnight, Monday 26 August 2024


