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時間:2024-06-26來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


Senior Postdoctoral Researcher in Nanophotonic Biosensors

Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia

Job Title: Senior Postdoctoral Researcher in Nanophotonic Biosensors

Research area or group: NanoBiosensors and Bioanalytical Applications Group

Description of Group/Project :

NanoB2A group focuses on the development of novel nanobiosensor devices based on plasmonics, nanoplasmonics and silicon-based photonics principles, including surface biofunctionalization, microfluidics for automatic fluid delivery and complete lab-on-a-chip integration for point-of-care devices. The application and technology transfer of the nanobiosensor devices for clinical diagnostics and environmental control is one of the Group's main objectives. The job is framed within a recently granted national Proof-of-Concept project (PDC2023-145891-I00) entitled "Integrated prototype of a nanophotonic microchip biosensor for ultrasensitive multiplexed analysis of sexually transmitted infections (TYPLEX)". The job will be essentially related to the prototyping of an optical reader device and integrated microchip cartridges for the defined target clinical applications. If you are interested in joining to a young, dinamyc and highly multidisciplinary team, with a highly innovative research and technology transfer project, this could be your opportunity.

Main Tasks and responsibilities:

The specialized research fellow will be responsible for building a pre- commercial prototype of a POC nanophotonic biosensor for advanced diagnostics, which is in the process of technology transfer and eventual commercialization. Main experimental tasks are related to the design and engineering of lab-on-a- chip cartridges incorporating novel multiplexed nanophotonics sensors and innovative polymer microfluidic systems, as well as the integration of a compact reader that includes all optical, fluidic, and electronic subsystems and a user-friendly software interface for decentralized and automated operation. Both the cartridges and the optical reader will be fully characterized and evaluated for IVD regulatory application and implementation in clinics.


Education: PhD in Physics or Photonics, with +3 years of postdoctoral experience in the area

Knowledge and Professional Experience:

Background in photonic sensors or integrated optics.

Experience in design and implementation of experimental optical setups.

Experience in electronics engineering and software/hardware development.

Knowledge of microfluidics design and fabrication will be positively considered.

Experience in technology transfer and business development will be positively considered.

Personal Competences:

Highly motivated, enthusiastic, proactive, and responsible.

Good communication and organization skills.

Excellent level of English (fluent in writing and speaking) is required.

Summary of conditions:

Full time work (37,5h/week)

Contract Length: Temporary (end of project)

Location: Bellaterra (Barcelona)

Salary will depend on qualifications and demonstrated experience.

Support to the relocation issues.

Life Insurance.

Estimated Incorporation date: September 2024

How to apply:

All applications must be made via the ICN2 website and include the following:

A cover letter.

A full CV including contact details.

2 Reference letters or referee contacts.

Applications will be continuously reviewed.


