牛津大學(University of Oxford),簡稱“牛津”(Oxford),位于英國牛津,是一所公立研究型大學,采用傳統學院制。是羅素大學集團成員,被譽為“金三角名校”、“G5超級精英大學”,全球大學校長論壇成員。
Senior Research Associate on Concurrent and Distributed Programming
University of Oxford
We are looking for a Senior Research Associate to work on the project of UKRI/EPSRC/ERC under the supervision of Professor Nobuko Yoshida. The post is full-time, fixed term position, tenable immediately, and will be available until the end of March 2026, subject to satisfactory review. The position will be based within the Department's offices in central Oxford.
The aims of the projects are:
- To develop theory of session types (including mechanisation by, e.g. Coq and Isabelle, automata theory, verification, security analysis, model checking, process algebra, semantics, and logic)
- To design and implement programming languages and systems with session types; OR
- To study quantum computing using programming languages or concurrency theory techniques
A key objective is either to design and implement programming API or verification tools for concurrent and distributed systems and/or investigate theory of session types; or to study quantum computing using session types or concurrency theory.
As a researcher on this project, you will be expected to lead research projects you are working on. You will work collaboratively with the PIs and other members of the research team on the project, as well as independently leading and developing their own body of research in line with the project's aims. The research group carries out world leading research relating to theoretical computer science, programming languages and verifications. More information on the project can be found here:
Home Page of the Team: https: // mrg.cs.ox.ac.uk/
STARDUST: https: // epsrc-stardust.github.io/
TaRDIS: https: // www. project-tardis.eu/
The applicant is welcome to contact with nobuko.yoshida@cs.ox.ac.uk for further clarifications and questions. You are expected to hold a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, OR Engineering; and/or relevant research experience. You will possess a strong experience in Computing in general, especially around either Theoretical Computer Science, Programming Languages or Hardware Systems. Excellent communication skills are also required, including the ability to write for publication, present research proposals and results, and represent the research group at meetings. Willingness to collaborate with others and work effectively as a member of a team is essential.
Whilst the role is a Grade 8 position, we would be willing to consider candidates with potential but less experience who are seeking a development opportunity, for which an initial appointment would be at Grade 7 with a title of “Research Associate” (Grade 7) with the responsibilities adjusted accordingly. This would be discussed with applicants at interview/appointment where appropriate.
Applicants will be required to upload a supporting statement, setting out how you meet the selection criteria.
We would particularly welcome applications from women and black and minority ethnic applicants who are currently under-represented within the Computer Science Department.
All applicants must complete an application form and submit a CV and supporting statement.
The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Friday, 5th July 2024. Interviews are expected to be held on 15th or 16th July 2024.
We are a Stonewall Top 100 Employer, Living Wage and holding an Athena Swan Bronze Award, HR excellence in Research and Race Equality Charter Bronze Award.
Our staff and students come from all over the world, and we proudly promote a friendly and inclusive culture. Diversity is positively encouraged, through diversity groups and champions, as well as a number of family-friendly policies, such as the right to apply for flexible working and support for staff returning from periods of extended absence, for example shared parental leave.
Demonstrating a commitment to provide equality of opportunity. We would particularly welcome applications from women and black and minority ethnic applicants who are currently under-represented within the Computer Science Department. All applicants will be judged on merit, according to the selection criteria.
Contact Person : HR Coordinator
Vacancy ID : 173098
****Closing Date & Time : 05-Jul-2024 12:00
Contact Email : hr@cs.ox.ac.uk
Salary (£) : Grade 8: £45,585 - £54,395 per annum