
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 瑞典于默奧大學2024年招聘博士后(生物化學與分子生物學)



時間:2024-04-09來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


于默奧大學(瑞典語:Umeå universitet),建立于1965年,位于瑞典王國中北部西博滕省(Västerbotten)首府于默奧。是瑞典境內建校歷史排名第五悠久的綜合類研究型大學,瑞日Mirai項目成員。

Postdoctoral Fellowship: biochemistry and molecular biology


Umeå University


Umeå, Sweden


336 000 SEK per year

Closing date

18 May 2024

Project description

Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved self-eating process mainly purposed to eliminate or recycle dysfunctional cellular organelles or unused proteins. Autophagy plays an important role in development and ageing and has been associated with diverse human diseases, including cancer, neurodegeneration and pathogen infection. Emerging evidence shows that autophagy machinery also plays a role in several autophagy-independent processes. These “noncanonical” autophagy (NCA) pathways occur independent of part of the core autophagy machinery and play an important role in immune regulation and inflammation, modulation of the host-pathogen interaction, regulation of neuronal signaling and anti-cancer immunity.

Using a combination of cell biology, structural biology and chemical genetic approaches, we have elucidated fundamental mechanisms underlying autophagosome formation. Our laboratory has elaborated a novel mode of action for virulent bacteria (Legionella pneumophila, Vibrio cholerae) affecting host autophagy (eLife 2017, JCS 2021, JCB2022). We have identified novel chemotypes for autophagy modulation and new cellular pathways involved in autophagy regulation (Angew Chem 2017, Nat Chem Biol 2019, Autophagy 2021, Angew Chem 2022). Recently, we have made new findings in NCA. We identified the novel lysosomal targeting compound Inducin and ESCRT-III targeting compound Tantalosin that induce NCA (ChemBioChem 2023, PNAS 2024). We discovered a new pathway, the sphingomyelin-TECPR1 axis and TECPR1-ATG5–ATG12 as an alternative E3-like ligase for ATG8 lipidation in NCA (EMBO Rep 2023). This project will combine biochemical, cell biological and novel chemical approaches to understand molecular mechanisms of canonical and noncanonical autophagy. The techniques used in the project include protein expression and purification, protein/peptide synthesis, biochemical characterization, in vitro reconstitution, cell imaging, western blotting, and knock-out/down.

The project is interdisciplinary, with strong collaborations across scientific disciplines. The 2-year fellowship (672 000 SEK) is tax-exempt with start as soon as possible.


To qualify as a postdoctoral fellowship holder, the postdoctoral fellow is required to have completed a doctoral degree or a foreign degree deemed equivalent to a doctoral degree in biochemistry, chemical biology, molecular biology, cell biology, or in another relevant field. This qualification requirement must be fulfilled no later than at the time of the decision about fellowship recipient, but we welcome applications from candidates who are in the process of obtaining their doctoral degree.

Preference should be given to applicants who received their degree no more than three years before the end of the application period. Applicants who received their doctoral degree earlier may be considered in special circumstances. Special circumstances include absence due to illness, parental leave, clinical practice, elected positions in trade unions, or similar circumstances.

The successful candidate is expected to independently further their own studies but also be in close collaboration with other members of the team. Independence and good ability to collaborate are therefore requirements. Good command of written and spoken English is also a requirement.

Experiences in protein expression and purification, protein/peptide chemistry, molecular cloning, membrane biochemistry, in vitro reconstitution, cell imaging, western blotting, and/or knock-out/down are strong merits, as is a good record of research publication.


The application should include:

A Curriculum Vitae

A motivation letter including research interests, qualifications, and motivation for applying (max 2,000 characters with space)

A publication list including both published papers and preprints with web/DOI

Names and contact details of at least two references

A verified copy of doctoral degree certificate or documentation that attests when the doctoral degree is expected to be obtained

Other documents that the applicant wishes to claim.

Submit your application as a single PDF marked with the “Postdoc application” in the subject field of the email, to yaowen.wu@umu.se. Application deadline is 30 April 2024.

For more information, please contact Prof. Yaowen Wu, Department of Chemistry, https://www.umu.se/en/research/groups/yaowen-wu/.


