烏普薩拉大學(英文:Uppsala University),是坐落于瑞典古都烏普薩拉市的一所歐洲知名綜合研究型大學,是擁有500余年歷史的北歐地區(qū)的第一所大學。該校是科英布拉集團、歐洲研究型大學協(xié)會、昴宿星大學聯(lián)盟、瑞日Mirai成員。
1 Postdoctoral Position in Chemical Biology for Metabolomics and Microbiome Investigation (2 years)
Daniel Globisch, Department of Chemistry - BMC, Uppsala University
Uppsala (Sweden)
Postdoc-level salary
Closing date
21 Apr 2024
One postdoctoral position is available in the Globisch laboratory at the Department of Chemistry - BMC at Uppsala University, one of the top Scandinavian universities with outstanding international reputation. We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral candidate with a (bio)organic chemistry and chemical biology background that is seeking to work with a high degree of independence. The department offers a highly international research environment with state-of-the-art instrumentation.
Application deadline: March 31st, 2024
Postdoc in Chemical Biology (Globisch lab)
A two-year postdoctoral position is available to join our projects on the development of new Chemical Biology tools for chemoselective modification of metabolites. The Globisch laboratory is an international and multidisciplinary research group with the research goals to discover biomarkers and unknown bioactive metabolites in human samples. Our team is currently searching for one highly motivated and enthusiastic new team member with passion and enthusiasm for science to support our interdisciplinary research projects for chemoselective modification of metabolites (e.g. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024). The project will be part of our established and close collaboration with the Sjöblom laboratory from the medical faculty at Uppsala University (e.g. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 14342).
The applicants must hold a PhD degree with expertise in at least two of the following areas: (Bio)Organic Chemistry, Chemical Biology and mass spectrometric analysis of metabolites. Good English speaking, reading and writing skills are required. Highly motivated and enthusiastic candidates interested in interdisciplinary research with strong interpersonal skills are preferred.
The application should contain and submitted as a single PDF:
1. Cover letter that describes your motivation, qualifications, and research interests (max. one A4 page with job reference number: Globisch_PD24)
2. Curriculum vitae (CV) with publication list
3. Research summary (max. 2 pages)
4. Copies of doctoral degree certificate or equivalent, or a document that states when the degree of doctor is expected to be obtained
5. Copies of diplomas, list of academic courses and grades, language certificates (if available)
6. Other relevant documents
The application must be written in English and the file must be submitted electronically in PDF format.
For questions please contact: Professor Daniel Globisch (Daniel.globisch[at]scilifelab.uu.se)