瑞典農業科學大學(瑞典文:Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet)是瑞典乃至北歐最好的農業大學,注冊教職工及管理人員3080人(其中教授241人,學者及研究人員714人),學生為3812人(據2015年統計),圖書館藏書8萬多冊,期刊700余種。
Post-doctoral researcher Effects of marine heatwaves on exploited food webs
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
March 16, 2024
Offerd Salary:Negotiation
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Other
Working Time:Negotigation
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A
Department of Aquatic Resources
Department of Aquatic resources
Do you want to work in an inspiring environment and contribute to the sustainable use of our seas, lakes and watercourses? We at the Department of Aquatic resources (SLU Aqua) are passionate about our vision of "strong fish stocks in healthy waters". Our research is growing, and we are looking for employees who want to develop and make a difference together with us.
Welcome to visit us at www. slu.se/aquaticresources!
About the position
We have an exciting position for a curious postdoctoral researcher with expertise in population- and community ecology and dynamic modelling, joining our research on the effects of climate warming on aquatic food webs. This is one of two new positions funded by an interdisciplinary FORMAS project on marine extreme weather and climate risks for fisheries, and focuses on how extreme heatwaves affect fished ecosystems.
The postdoctoral researcher will develop and analyze size-structured dynamic population- and food web models to study heatwave effects on exploited food webs, undertake time series analyses on environmental monitoring data, contribute to climate risk analyses for fisheries, and lead and contribute to related scientific publications. The position may also involve assisting mesocosm experiments simulating heatwaves.
The postdoctoral researcher will have an important role in developing climate change research from its focus on warming to knowledge on how food webs are affected by increasing temperature variations and extremes.
Welcome to join our research group working on dynamics of fish communities and aquatic food webs, and their responses to climate change, exploitation and other human pressures (www. slu.se/fishinfoodwebs).
Your profile
We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral researcher with strong quantitative skills in ecology and an interest in community ecology and dynamics. Skills in ecological modelling are required. Knowledge of, and analytical skills in, physiological- or size-structured population- or community models is desirable. Expertise in community ecology theory is an advantage. Experience of field- or mesocosm experiments on fish is also a merit.
Scientific merits of relevance for the position, including demonstrated independent scientific work, will be given highest weight. Programming skills in R, Matlab or C++ are considered a merit.
Fluency in spoken and written English is a requirement. We place great emphasis on personal qualities and abilities to communicate and to cooperate in a team as well as work independently.
Qualifications: PhD degree in ecology, applied mathematics, applied physics, or similar subject.
Uppsala, Sweden
Form of employment:
Temporary employment 24 months.
Start date:
15th of April 2024, or as agreed.
Welcome to submit your application using the button below, at the latest March 16 th, 2024.
The application shall be written in English and include a CV documenting your academic career and education, copies of PhD degree diploma including course specifications, publication list including submitted manuscripts, a presentation of your scientific merits (especially merits in ecological modelling), and contact details for two reference persons (name, relation to the application, email and phone number).
Union representatives:
https: // internt.slu.se/en/my-employment/employee-associations/kontaktpersoner- vid-rekrytering/
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) has a key role in the development for sustainable life, based on science and education. Through our focus on the interaction between humans, animals and ecosystems and the responsible use of natural resources, we contribute to sustainable societal development and good living conditions on our planet. Our main campuses are located in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala, however, the university also operates at research stations, experimental forests and teaching sites throughout Sweden.
SLU has around 3,000 employees, 5,000 students and doctoral students and a turnover of over SEK 3 billion. We are investing in attractive environments on all of our campuses. We strive to provide a work environment characterised by inclusivity and gender equality, where different experiences generate conversations between people and pave the way for science, creativity and development. Therefore, we welcome applications from people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
Contact person
Anna Gårdmark
+46 (0)10-478 41 25
Magnus Huss
Assoc. Senior Lecturer
+(46)10-478 4127