奧斯陸城市大學(OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University) 是位于挪威 奧斯陸郡和阿克什胡斯郡的一所國立大學 ,擁有約1,400名學術人員(包括150多名正教授或研究員),約20,000名學生以及約800名行政支持職員 ,是挪威第三大大學(規模僅次于奧斯陸大學UiO與挪威科技大學NTNU)。大學主校區位于奧斯陸市中心的Pilestredet大街 ,兩個分校區位于阿克什胡斯郡的Sandvika與Kjeller。現任 校長 是語言學家Curt Rice教授。奧斯陸城市大學(OsloMet)的前身是挪威最大的應用科學大學——奧斯陸與阿克什胡斯大學學院。
MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow 2024-Social science perspectives on digitalization of the welfare state
Oslo Metropolitan University
January 31, 2024
Offerd Salary:Salary Approx.
Working address:N/A
Contract Type:Other
Working Time:Full time
Working type:N/A
Ref info:N/A
Faculty of Social Sciences
Oslo Metropolitan University is Norway's third largest university with almost 22,000 students and over 2,500 employees. We have campuses in central Oslo and at Romerike. OsloMet educates students and conducts research that contributes to the sustainability of the Norwegian welfare state and the metropolitan region.
Faculty of Social Sciences offers study programmes within archivistics, library and information science, journalism and media studies, social work, social policy and child welfare, public management and business.
The faculty has about 4200 students and nearly 280 members of staff.
The department has approximately 1250 students and 90 employees, and offers study programmes on bachelor's, master's and PhD level.
Center for Digitalization of Public Services and Social Citizenship
CEDIC is an Excellent Academic Environment at OsloMet. CEDIC aims to produce new cross-disciplinary knowledge about digitalization of society and its consequences for people's lives. Specifically, CEDIC focuses on how digitalization of society fosters or hampers social citizenship : i.e. citizens' participation in public and societal life, their opportunities to live a decent life in accordance with the prevailing standard of living in society, pursue the life they have reasons to value and have influence on decision making processes of importance to themselves and society as a whole. An important question is under which conditions digital innovations are more likely to foster full and effective social citizenship for all in the future. In this regard, CEDIC focuses on policies, everyday practices, institutional configurations and modes of governance to realize the UN SDGs/ Agenda 2030 in Norway and beyond.
CEDIC hosts the Norwegian Research School on Digitalization, Culture and Society . The successful candidate(s) will be eligible for participation in the Research School. CEDIC is based at the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy.
Call for Expression of Interest for a joint application under the EU
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme – Call: MSCA- PF-2024
OsloMet invites interested experienced researchers of any nationality, who have a PhD degree and maximum eight (8) years of research experience after having obtained the PhD degree, to apply for the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship (call HORIZON-MSCA-PF-2024) to conduct research at OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University for a period of two years.
Area of research
Both the general digitalization of society and the digitalization of public services specifically have created new opportunities and challenges for the welfare state. Digitalization of the welfare state is not only about the converting of information to digital formats (“digitization”). It also involves the adoption of innovating models and processes of welfare governance and communication that take advantage of the opportunities made possible by digitization, as well as transformations of the relationship between the state and the citizens, between different providers of welfare, and transformations of the self and society more broadly. Governments are keen to replace old methods of welfare provision with automation, datafication and digital communication platforms. The component of automation includes the increasing use of robots, machines and algorithms in value chains, no longer limited to simple routine tasks. Digital innovations have the potential to improve welfare services through greater efficiency, cost-effectiveness and ease of use but also at risk of causing new inequalities and forms of exclusion. Emerging technologies, such as recent developments of artificial intelligence are playing an increasingly important role for questions of redistribution and economic inequality that relate to social rights.
Social science research on digitalization of the welfare state can contribute critical thinking and knowledge about what is new, what remains the same, what it solves as well as map new problems arising from this process. We need to ask questions about both what happens when technology displaces other welfare policy solutions, and what social problems are created by technology. We welcome research proposals that deal with such issues from a social science perspective. Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
· The twin digital and green transition and their impact on mature welfare states
· New and changing relationships between government, business, community third sector organizations, and families in the provision of welfare services
· Digital coordination of care, health, education and/or social services
· Digital inclusion and exclusion: accessibility, availability and usability of digitalized welfare services for the elderly and persons with disabilities, minority ethnic groups and/or immigrants, people with experience of poverty, and other population groups at risk of social exclusion
· User involvement in the design and implementation of care and social services in the digitalized welfare state
· Citizens' encounters with the digitalized welfare state
Successful candidate(s) will be supervised by Professor Rune Halvorsen. Halvorsen's central concern is to contribute new knowledge for the future social Europe. His main interests are European and comparative welfare policy. He is the co-director of CEDIC and co-director of The Norwegian Research School on Digitalisation, Culture and Society. For more information on Halvorsen, see his profile at Researchgate and his website at OsloMet.
With this call for Expression of Interest, we invite ambitious and experienced researchers to submit their application accompanied by CV (including publication list) and a 1-2-page project description, that will be the basis for selecting a maximum of two candidates with whom we will collaborate for developing competitive MSCA-PF proposals. In the project description, please identify possible data sources for this research and include reflections on the policy relevance or potential future impact of this research. The cooperation for the proposal development will be carried out remotely, with regular online communication via email and virtual meeting platforms. Applicants who are successful in getting their proposals funded by the EU, must relocate to work in the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy, at OsloMet main campus, in the center of Oslo.
Starting Date of the fellowship
The EU shall inform the results on the MSCA-PF-2024 applications in February 2025. Successful applicants are expected to be available to start the fellowship project from within the1st of April 2025 to 1st September 2026 (TBC).
Main duties of the position
The successful candidate will primarily work on the MSCA fellowship funded project, but will be integrated in CEDIC, taking part in regular meetings and discussion groups. The candidate will specifically be introduced with Prof. Halvorsen's national and international network of researchers. In agreement with the candidate, the candidate would be included in other ongoing projects and/or in the development of grant applications processes.
Expected qualification of applicants
Candidates must have a PhD in social policy, sociology, political science, anthropology or economics as the minimum requirement. We are primarily looking for experienced researchers who wish to use this period as an opportunity to further develop their research, and to develop longer term research collaborations with OsloMet and other organisations conducting research in the field. The candidates must be eligible for a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship: have a PhD successfully defended by the submission deadline (mid-September 2024), a maximum of eight (8) years research experience after PhD, and not having worked/studied in Norway more than 12 months in the last three years.
We are looking for applicants who have:
· Knowledge of policy context and quality and availability of quantitative or qualitative data in the field.
· A good track record in research and publications.
· Commitment to develop a competitive MSCA-PF grant application.
· An open and cooperation-oriented nature, with strong abilities for independent academic work.
· Excellent command / highly proficient spoken and written English.Assessment and selection of candidates
Evaluation will be based on the qualification and project idea. Interested candidates must submit with their application the following documents:
· CV (including research track record and list of publications)
· A one-page description of the project idea for which a MSCA-PF grant will be applied (no predefined structure, excluding references)
Short-listed candidates will be invited for a virtual interview to select maximum two candidates that will be invited to develop the full MSCA-PF application with deadline by mid-September 2024 under the supervision of Professor Halvorsen and with the support of the professional research administration staff at OsloMet.
Under this call announcement a maximum of five candidates will be interviewed and one or two candidates will be invited to write applications with the endorsement of OsloMet. Candidates will be informed of the results of the internal pre-selection and invitation to apply within the two weeks following the interview.
Original documents about your qualification must be presented if you are invited for an interview. OsloMet performs document inspections in order to give you as a candidate a proper evaluation and to ensure a fair competition. Proposals will be pre-selected based on internal evaluation and the availability of suitable supervision. All documents that you hand in to OsloMet, including your proposal idea, will be handled in full confidentiality and in strict compliance with GDPR regulations.
Selected candidates must participate in the virtual masterclass on MSCA-PF, a two-day workshop organised by OsloMet on 26-27 March 2024 to provide applicants with detailed information and explanation of the application template to complete their proposal in compliance with the EU Commission requirements.
The postdoctoral position
Successful applicants who obtain a MSCA-PF grant will be offered a position at OsloMet to be hired as postdoctoral researchers to implement their proposed research projects, in conditions as explained below.
We offer:
OsloMet assists in developing competitive MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship proposals. Then, to successful applicants who are awarded the MSC-PF grant, we offer:
· Flexible working conditions
· An inclusive and friendly work environment
· Unique academic network with the possibility for the right candidate(s) to pursue his/her academic goals under the auspices of Professor Rune Halvorsen
· Norwegian language classes
· Onboarding assistance for relocation and other services
The position adheres to the Norwegian Government's policy that the national labour force. It is important for OsloMet to reflect the population diversity, all qualified candidates from any nationality are welcomed to apply. OsloMet is an IA (Inclusive Workplace) organisation and operates in compliance with the Norwegian IA agreement. We make our active endeavour to further develop OsloMet as an inclusive workplace and to adapt the workplace if required. If there are periods in your career when you have not been working, under education or training, you are also eligible to apply. Questions may be directed to the contact persons (per below).
Rune Halvorsen, Professor, e-mail: rune.halvorsen@oslomet.no
Florissa Abreu, Senior Advisor, R&I Department, florab@Oslomet.no
OsloMet is a Charter & Code certified institution by the EU Commisson holding the right to use the logo HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R). OsloMet is a member of the EURAXESS network supporting a positive work environment for researchers in motion.
OsloMet has signed The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). DORA recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated.
The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants, and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who are seen to be in conflict with the criteria in the latter law will not be considered for the position.
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