牛津大學(University of Oxford),簡稱“牛津”(Oxford),位于英國牛津,是一所公立研究型大學,采用傳統學院制。是羅素大學集團成員,被譽為“金三角名校”、“G5超級精英大學”,全球大學校長論壇成員。牛津大學的具體建校時間已不可考,但有檔案明確記載的最早的授課時間為1096年,亨利二世在1167年禁止英國學生就讀巴黎大學,因得到了英國王室的大力支持而快速發展。
Post-Doctoral Researcher
University of Oxford
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Department of Education, 15 Norham Gardens, Oxford, OX2 6PY
This is a re-advertisement, previous applicants need not apply
This is an exciting opportunity for a post-doctoral researcher to join a research project examining the links between international mobility and world development. The project is funded by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) of the U.S. Department of State. The post-doctoral researcher will be fluent in English and French and possess familiarity with Sub-Saharan Africa (in particular, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, South Africa). The post-holder will join a team of six enthusiastic, interdisciplinary researchers based at the University of Oxford Department of Education.
Reporting to Professor Maia Chankseliani, the post-holder will lead on the outreach to elite respondents, interview data collection, analysis of data, and presentation of findings on Sub-Saharan Africa and, if required, on other regions. All of these activities follow pre-determined procedures and are aligned across the team who work on different world regions. You will also engage in conducting systematic literature reviews. You will develop a holistic understanding of the designated global region (Sub-Saharan Africa) in order to be able to meaningfully contextualise and interpret numeric and narrative findings pertaining to the selected region.
The post-holder will manage own workload and administrative activities, work closely with the team at Oxford and with the team of collaborators in the United States. This involves small scale project management as well as co- ordinating multiple aspects of work with other team members to meet deadlines. You will work in collaboration with other team members to ensure that the project extends intellectual understanding of the systemic impact of international mobility of students, professionals, and youth.
The successful candidate will hold a relevant PhD/DPhil or be nearing completion, and possess familiarity with the existing literature and research in at least one of the following fields/disciplines: international higher education, comparative and international education, international development, political science, history, or sociology. They will have the capability to conduct qualitative research, successfully manage competing demands, and work collaboratively with others. They must also be fluent in English and French, possess intermediate excel skills and excellent communication skills, including the ability to write for publication, present findings, and represent the research team at meetings. Publication record will be in line with career stage.
The post is fixed-term until 30 April 2025 and is offered on a full-time basis.
The post is based at the Oxford University Department of Education, UK, where the successful candidate is expected to start work on the project as soon as possible after the interview.
Any questions regarding the post can be sent via email to Professor Maia Chankseliani, maia.chankseliani@education.ox.ac.uk
Applications for this vacancy should be made online and you will be required to upload a CV and supporting statement as part of your application. Applicants are asked to organise the supporting statement by subheadings, explaining how they meet the advertised criteria for this post.
For further details of the role, please see the job description. The closing date for applications is midday on 2 January 2024, and only applications received by this deadline will be considered. Interviews will be held soon after the closing date.
Contact Person : HR Team Vacancy ID : 169778 Contact Phone : Closing Date & Time : 02-Jan-2024 12:00 Pay Scale : STANDARD GRADE 7 Contact Email : hr@education.ox.ac.uk Salary (£) : Grade 7: £36,024-£44,263 per annum