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時間:2023-11-29來源:中國博士人才網(wǎng) 作者:佚名


Postdoctoral – BIOTraces

Basque Centre for Climate Change

The Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) offers a 3-year postdoc position, starting on December 2023 as part of the research project BIOTraces – Biodiversity and Transformative Change for Plural and Nature-Positive Societies (GA: 101081923), funded by the European Commission under the call HORIZON-CL6-2022-BIODIV-01-09.

Job description:

The project BIOTraCes develops knowledge, tools and novel approaches that enable transformative changes necessary for achieving a nature-positive society. Focused on analysing the challenges and lock-ins which undermine the proper implementation of the nature-based solutions in the territories (such as sociocultural and political variables), this project aims to contribute to more inclusive, effective and just public policies, local strategies and corporate concerns on biodiversity aligned with the European Green Deal and SDGs. The project will engage with diverse stakeholder networks in 9 European- based biodiversity initiatives in high-impact sectors – agriculture & food, forestry, water, and urbanisation.

Among the nine case studies, one case study centres around formation of values about nature in early education and the role of greening schools. The case study will be in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz (European Green Capital 2012) in the Basque Country, in collaboration with the Centre for Environmental Studies of the city. The case study, as the other eight cases, involves transdisciplinary approaches with active involvement of a diversity of stakeholders to coproduce new applicable and solutions-oriented knowledge.

Key responsibilities:

Helping coordinate the project's activities at BC3 in close collaboration with other members in BC3 including its principal investigator, Prof. Unai Pascual. This may also involve supervision of junior researchers involved in the project in BC3.

Coordinating and carry out extensive fieldwork in Vitoria-Gasteiz involving among other activities, the facilitation of participatory research actions (e.g. workshops and focus groups), design and implementation of interviews and surveys, as well as active engagement processes with key stakeholders.

Conducting literature reviews, and qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

Coordinating the delivery of reports (project deliverables).

Writing up results of the project in academic journals and policy briefs.

Presenting the project in relevant meetings, workshops and conferences.

Main requirements/skills:

The successful candidate should hold a PhD degree or demonstrated experience in a relevant discipline, including political science, political ecology, environmental sciences, geography, ecological economics, or other relevant social sciences and humanities field.

The successful candidate must have either solid quantitative or qualitative skills, as well as excellent communication skills.

Fluency in English and Spanish is required and working knowledge of Basque would be desirable.

The candidate should have a strong motivation and research interest in transformative educational issues and an understanding of the social dimensions of climate change and environmental justice.

The candidate should also have experience in interdisciplinary collaboration and participatory research as well as proven ability to work independently.

Benefits and work environment:

Interdisciplinary and inspiring work environment

Quiet and spacious workspaces

Possibility of participating in internal training and academic activities of the centre

35-hour week work calendar

30 days of vacation per year

Term of contract

The position is for a period up to two years (December 2023 – Nov 2026) with a 6-months' probation period based on performance.


The position will carry competitive salary, matching the academic and professional profile of the applicant, and excellent work conditions.


The candidate will be located at the Basque Centre for Climate Change, Leioa. The successful candidate will also be expected to spend some periods of time in Vitoria-Gasteiz while conducting fieldwork.

As an HR Excellence awarded institution, BC3 is committed to conciliating research-academic requirements and family duties. BC3 is particularly concerned with creating equal opportunities for people independently of gender, culture, and race. Anyone with relevant qualifications is therefore strongly encouraged to apply for the position.

Application procedure:

Fill the form below and upload one PDF document with the following information:

A cover letter including one-page description of research interest and relevant experience

A CV (maximum 2 pages)

Names and contact details of three people who could produce reference letter


The deadline for applications is November 23, 2023; candidate interviews will start as applications are received.

Informal enquiries can be made to Prof Unai Pascual (unai.pascual@bc3research.org) noting in the subject of the message “Postdoc BIOTRACES”. Please consider that only applications sent through the form included at the bottom of the BC3 web page will be considered (https: // info.bc3research.org/job-offers/).

Name Nombre Izena

Last Name Apellido Abizena


Gender Female Male Other (please, specify)Prefer not to say

Not compulsory for the process - Consider that the information providedwill be used solely for statistical purposes.


Not compulsory for the process - Consider that the information provided will be used solely for statistical purposes.

Where did you first see this job offer? Website Social Media Job Plataform Other

File Upload

Drop your file here or click here to upload

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The personal information you provide through this job offer, will be registered in the data processing systems responsibility of BC3 for the purpose of managing your participation in the current selection process. This personal information will not be communicated to any recipient except those required by law, and will not be used for any other purpose different than the one stated here. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data of natural persons

What are your rights: You may access your right to access, amend, delete, limit or oppose processing and transfer of the personal data provided by means of a written request, accompanied by a photocopy of your National ID Document, sent to ARCrights@BC3research.org. In the same fashion, you may withdraw your consent at any time, and this shall bear no effect on data processing conducted before this withdrawal. In any event, you may file the pertinent claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

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Call: HORIZON-CL6-2022-BIODIV-01



