伯爾尼大學(德文:Universität Bern;英文:University of Bern,簡稱UniBe)坐落于瑞士首都伯爾尼,是世界上著名的研究型大學。該校創(chuàng)建歷史可以追溯到16世紀早期宗教改革中建立的清教神學院。學校在建校時即擁有3位教授,到十七世紀末擁有6位教授,到十八世紀伯爾尼大學在人文和神學領(lǐng)域一直處于統(tǒng)治地位。包括埃米爾·特奧多爾·科赫爾和庫爾特·維特里希在內(nèi)的諾貝爾獎得主都曾在此學習工作。
Postdoctoral Researcher OR Data Scientist (60-80%)
University of Bern
Postdoctoral Researcher OR Data Scientist (60-80%)
Biodiversity Synthesis in the Biodiversity Exploratories Project, University of Bern
Applications are invited for a 2.5-year postdoc or data scientist position to conduct and coordinate biodiversity-related synthesis research in the Biodiversity Exploratories , under the supervision of Prof. Markus Fischer in the Plant Ecology Group at the University of Bern in Switzerland.
The Biodiversity Exploratories program comprises more than 50 research groups and examines the relations between environmental change (mainly in land-use intensity), biodiversity and ecosystem functioning/services in forests and grasslands. The Synthesis core team catalyses and fosters synthesis work by groups of researchers to realise the huge added value of this large integrated and interdisciplinary program with its common research questions, design and datasets, combining information on various land uses and all kinds of organisms and ecosystem functions.
We are seeking highly motivated applicants interested in the causes and consequences of biodiversity change. In addition to conducting synthesis research, the postdoc/data scientist is expected to provide data-and synthesis-related scientific support for the Biodiversity Exploratories, including for synthesis working groups within the Biodiversity Exploratories, e.g. by organising regular meetings, workshops, and curating synthesis datasets.
Applicants with different backgrounds are welcome (preferentially in Ecology or related fields), provided that they have strong analytical skills, including familiarity with statistical analyses and manipulation of large datasets (preferably using R). They should enjoy project coordination and frequent interactions with scientists from different disciplines.
The position will be based at the Institute of Plant Sciences in Bern, which offers a stimulating, international research environment with excellent facilities and working conditions. Bern is also a beautiful city with a high quality of life.
Applications should constitute a motivation letter including your research interests, a CV including a full publication list, and contact details of two academic referees. Application materials (as a single PDF) and queries about the position should be forwarded to
Applications will be reviewed from 15th of October 2023 until the position is filled.