
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 瑞典農業科學大學2023年招聘博士后(水生生態學)



時間:2023-06-14來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

瑞典農業科學大學(瑞典文:Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet)是瑞典乃至北歐最好的農業大學,注冊教職工及管理人員3080人(其中教授241人,學者及研究人員714人),學生為3812人(據2015年統計),圖書館藏書8萬多冊,期刊700余種。

Postdoctor in Aquatic Ecology

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies

The position is placed at the Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies at The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umeå, Sweden. The department offers a creative and stimulating environment and perform internationally recognized basic and applied research, education and environmental monitoring in the research areas: animal ecology, aquatic ecology, molecular ecology and restoration ecology (see https: // www. slu.se/en/departments/wildlife-fish-environmental- studies/research/research-areas/ ). The department has a large proportion of international employees and well established national and international cooperation which gives opportunities for fruitful exchange.

The Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies, SLU, Umeå, are looking for a postdoc in the project “Waters at Risk”.


The aim of the project is to identify water systems where the effects of pollution, fish farms, disease, invasive species and fish health need particular consideration in the process of restoration of water connectivity, so called Waters at Risk. The fish health aspect has for a long time been overlooked when restoring connectivity and the combined effect of different stressors has not been assessed at all. The output from the project will aid governmental agencies and legal instances as well as hydropower companies and consultants in the process of upgrading Swedish hydropower to modern environmental standards. In addition, this work will also provide new knowledge (as well as identify knowledge gaps) about the multifaceted threats that act on fish health and ultimately affects goals to achieve strong and healthy fish populations in Swedish river systems. Since the project is a collaboration between two departments within SLU - Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies, SLU, Umeå, and Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, Drottningholm – the successful candidate will benefit from a very wide and diverse network of highly skilled scientists.

Read more about our benefits and what it is like to work at SLU at https: // www. slu.se/en/about-slu/work-at-slu/


The specific tasks of the postdoc will include:

Identify, assemble and combine relevant data-sets at different governmental agencies (e.g. the Water authorities, County Boards, Swedish Marine and Water Management, Swedish Veterinarian Institute), universities (e.g. SLU, Gothenburg University), and other institutes and companies.

Link information of factors posing a risk for increased transmission of fish diseases in river systems with information on connectivity restoration measures, in particular fish passages, invasive species and pollution load.

Compose a multilayered graphical visualization over Waters at Risk using Geographical Information Systems (GIS)

Identify waters of special concern (Waters at Risk) as well as low-risk waters

If suitable, the candidate is expected to participate in other ongoing research projects within the competence area Aquatic ecology at both departments.


The applicant should hold a PhD in ecology, biology, geology, hydrology or equivalent. We are looking for a highly motivated and team-oriented candidate with expertise in fish ecology/fish health/water pollution/hydropower management/spatial ecology or equivalent. Documented GIS skills and experience of working with large/unsynchronized datasets and/or relevant Swedish databases are prerequisites for the position. Experience with anadromous fish and issues related to fish health will count as merits. Very good skills in written and spoken English is obligatory as well as good understanding of Swedish since some data are only available from Swedish agencies in Swedish.

As postdoctoral appointments are career-developing positions for junior researchers, we are primarily looking for candidates with a doctoral degree that is three years old at most.

Place of work:


Form of employment:

Temporary employment 24 months.



Starting date:

Summer 2023 or according to agreement


We welcome your application no later than 2023-06-16, use the button below.

Contact person

Tomas Brodin


+46 (0)90 786 8161



