
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 美國休斯頓大學藥學院2023年招聘博士后



時間:2023-04-26來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


休斯敦大學(University of Houston),簡稱UH,屬于研究型大學。該校學科涵蓋以下領域:自然科學、經濟、法律、工程學、管理學、環境、建筑、教育、旅游、農林、藝術、體育、新聞傳播、信息科學、醫學、語言等。休斯敦大學是美國得克薩斯州休斯敦的公立大學,位于休斯敦市中心東南區。在1927年3月7日創立,擁有近44000名學生,是得克薩斯州的第三大學府?▋然鶎W術基金會將UH評為“具有最高研究活動的博士學位授予機構"。2020年QS美國大學排名中排名第87位。

休斯敦大學位于全美的第4大城休斯敦(Houston),位于得州(Texas)的東南部。休斯敦大學在地理位置上與休斯敦市中心相去不遠,在學校的官方網站的一句(“UH is minutes to downtown Huston”)看似一句玩笑話,卻也道盡了UH在美國和得州發展史上的重要使命。簡單的說,休斯敦大學的學生必須在他們就學時就要學著去接觸多民族文化所帶來的沖擊。休斯敦大學被《美國新聞與世界報道》評為種族最多元化的大學之一。

UH的學生平均在他們2年級時就會有他們的第一份實習工作(Internship),而根據官方網站的資料:UH的學生將近8成在畢業后的3個月能夠在休斯敦找到工作,而其中有7成的學生在任職后薪水會高于國家標準(national average)。

Post Doctoral Fellow

University of Houston College of Pharmacy

Job Description - Post Doctoral Fellow (STA012194)

Job Description

Post Doctoral Fellow - (STA012194)

Organization: H0112 Physics


Possesses, understands, and applies a comprehensive knowledge in area of specialization. Develops understanding and skills to allow for completion of assignments that cross fields of specialization. Develops leadership and management skills.

Receives/Reviews progress and evaluates results of experiments or projects under control or supervisory responsibility.

Recommends changes in research, testing or experimental procedures.

May be responsible for a single highly technical and complex piece of research equipment.

May review and evaluate the effectiveness of personnel.

May plan for and assign personnel to projects under control.

Operates with latitude for unreviewed action.

May receive general supervision conferring with higher levels only in unusual situations.

Performs other job-related duties as required.



Doctoral and No experience

Requires singular knowledge of a specialized advanced professional discipline or the highest level of general business knowledge, normally acquired through attainment of a directly job-related terminal degree or equivalent formal training in a recognized field of specialization that is directly related to the type of work being performed.No experience is required.

Salary: 3,223.00 - 4,834.00

Required Attachments by Candidate: Resume, Cover Letter/Letter of Application, Research Statement

Employee Status: Regular/Benefits

Job Posting: Apr 8, 2023, 4:11:45 AM


