
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 澳大利亞莫納什大學2023年招聘博士后職位(科學計算與數值分析)



時間:2023-02-24來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


蒙納士大學(Monash University),又譯莫納什大學,坐落于澳大利亞文化、藝術與工業(yè)中心墨爾本,是一所公立綜合類研究型大學,同時是澳大利亞八校聯(lián)盟、環(huán)太平洋大學聯(lián)盟、國際大學氣候聯(lián)盟與英聯(lián)邦大學協(xié)會成員 。大學于1958年由澳大利亞聯(lián)邦政府通過議會法案建立,為紀念杰出的軍事指揮官、公共行政官員和土木工程師約翰·莫納什爵士(Sir John Monash),大學以其姓氏命名,官方中文名稱為蒙納士大學。

Research Fellow - Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis (polytopal methods)

Monash University

Job No.: 647147

Location: Clayton campus

Employment Type: Full-time

Duration: 2-year fixed-term appointment

Remuneration: $75,115 - $101,944 pa Level A (plus 17% employer superannuation)

Amplify your impact at a world top 50 University

Join our inclusive, collaborative community

Be surrounded by extraordinary ideas - and the people who discover them

At Monash, work feels different. There's a sense of belonging, from contributing to something groundbreaking – a place where great things happen. We make tangible contributions because our purpose is clear; to deliver positive economic, social and environmental impact in resolving the global challenges of our age.

At the core of achieving this purpose is the diversity of our staff. We welcome and value everyone's contributions, lived experience and expertise. When you come to work, you can be yourself, be a change-maker and develop your career in exciting ways. This is why we champion an inclusive and respectful workplace culture where everyone is supported to succeed.

Together with our commitment to academic freedom, you will have access to quality research facilities, infrastructure, world class teaching spaces, and international collaboration opportunities.

The Opportunity

The School of Mathematics at Monash University invites applicants for the position of Research Fellow to work on a project in Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis.

The successful candidate will work under the guidance of Professors Jérôme Droniou and Santiago Badia on the ARC-funded project “Interface-aware numerical methods for stochastic inverse problems”. The role includes the design and analysis of hybrid high-order schemes for partial differential equations with interfaces. The methods will rely on polytopal meshes obtained from adaptive tree-based unfitted meshes. The research also includes optimal and scalable parallel multilevel solvers for the discrete systems arising from hybrid approximations. The role will possibly include the combination of these tools with multilevel Monte Carlo methods and its application to stochastic inverse problems in subsurface modelling.

Applicants must have a PhD in Mathematics or a related field, with a strong background in numerical methods for partial differential equations.

Diversity is one of our greatest strengths at Monash. We encourage applications from First Nations people, culturally and linguistically diverse people, people with disabilities, neurodiverse people, and people of all genders, sexualities, and age groups.

Monash avidly supports flexible and hybrid working arrangements. We have a range of policies in place enabling staff to combine work and personal commitments more easily.

This role is a full-time position; however, flexible working arrangements may be negotiated.

At Monash University, we are committed to being a Child Safe organisation. This position at the University will require the incumbent to hold a valid Working with Children Check.

Your application must address the selection criteria. Please refer to "How to apply for Monash Jobs".




