
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 英國牛津大學2023年招聘博士后職位(CRIS-牛津癌癥學術臨床博士后獎學金)



時間:2023-02-16來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名


牛津大學(University of Oxford;勛銜:Oxon或Oxf),簡稱“牛津”(Oxford),位于英國牛津,是一所公立研究型大學,采用傳統學院制。是羅素大學集團成員,被譽為“金三角名校”和“G5”之一,全球大學校長論壇成員。牛津大學的具體建校時間已不可考,但有檔案明確記載的最早的授課時間為1096年,之后在1167年因得到了英國王室的大力支持而快速發展。

CRIS-Oxford Cancer Academic Clinican Post-doctoral Fellowship

University of Oxford

This post will be based in the University of Oxford department that best suits the candidate. The post holder will be expected to develop their own independent, innovative research programme, working in collaboration with both basic and translational groups in Oxford encompassing the following broad scientific themes:

• Immuno-Oncology

• Cancer Big Data

• Novel Therapeutics

• Early Cancer Detection

To apply for the post, applicants will need to identify a research group or laboratory within a department at the University of Oxford where they will be based. A letter of support from the group leader will be required in addition to departmental academic and administrative leadership to confirm their willingness to host and administer this funding if successful.

This post has the option to integrate dedicated academic time without service commitments with a clinical programme. How this is achieved will depend on the research undertaken and for example could vary from research slots every week to 6 months blocks in each discipline at a time. An academic mentor will be assigned who will meet the appointee on a six-monthly basis to ensure that mutually agreed academic milestones are being achieved. Academic milestones will focus on the development of specific research and training milestones determined with the academic mentor.

Contact Person : Tatyana Junqueira Vacancy ID : 163340 Contact Phone : Closing Date & Time : 03-Mar-2023 12:00 Pay Scale : CLINICAL LECTURER (A67) Contact Email : tatyana.junqueira@medsci.ox.ac.uk Salary (£) : A63:£29,384–£58,398 or A67:£35,858-£63,423 (Exceptionally, a Clinical Consultant appointment at E82 could be considered: £73,367-£95,104) dependent on qualifications and experience, and with current pay protection and transitional arrangements in the NHS


