坦佩雷理工大學 (Tampere University of Technology, TUT) 是芬蘭最著名的理工大學,世界一流大學。TUT在QS 2016/2017世界大學排名中位居319,在芬蘭大學中位居第四。TUT的科研與眾多知名的跨國公司保持著密切的關系,也是芬蘭培養創新和科技人才的主要中心之一。毗鄰大學校園的是Hermia科技園,其中主要包括諾基亞、微軟、因特爾等的研發中心。世界上第一個GSM電話就在TUT所在的Hervanta打出。華為也于2016年在TUT的校園成立了研發中心,依托TUT的技術和人才優勢進行成像技術、計算機視覺和語音領域的研發。TUT是兩個按照基金會形式運作的芬蘭的大學之一,接近其預算的50%是外來資金,這個指標使TUT在世界排名第十一位,在歐洲第四位。
Postdoctoral Researcher, (Digital Design and Manufacturing, D2M), Tutkijatohtori (Digitaalinen suunnittelu ja valmistus, D2M)
Tampere University of Technology
Job description
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who has a suitable background and motivation to work on highly innovative projects and be trained in competitive yet collaborative research and study environments. The position requires a genuine interest in research and knowledge of material science, manufacturing technologies, and advanced engineering design methods. The candidate will need to research, develop, and apply modern methodologies for integrated material, manufacturing process, and engineering design.
The postdoctoral researcher will support the research activities withing the recent project funded by Academia of Finland “Multi-disciplinary Digital Design and Manufacturing (D2M)”. To accomplish this task, we seek a highly motivated and talented researchers who will support us to develop new and to extend existing design tools to developed highly integrated material-process- design workflows. Read: Flores Ituarte, I., et al., “Optimization-driven design to explore and exploit the process–structure–property–performance linkages in digital manufacturing”. J Intell Manuf (2022). https: // doi.org/10.1007/s10845-022-02010-2
Research areas (RA): The research area is in Digital Design and Manufacturing (D2M) at TUNI. We do not expect that you are an expert in all these research areas, but your study record and personal interest need to relate to at least one RA, and you need to show interest to explore other RAs in your motivation letter.
RA#1: Product design using numerical simulation and computational mechanics (e.g., Multiscale modelling, FEA, CFD, CAD, CAE, generative design, design automation, topology optimization…). Develop finite element (FE) modeling tools for physics-based forward simulation of products and applications to derive data-driven surrogate models using classical surface response method (RSM) and/or machine learning (ML) models and invert the design space from performance to process and material.
RA#2: Material and manufacturing process optimization, Design of Experiments (DOE), Statistical process control, and process modelling for advanced manufacturing, additive manufacturing, hybrid machines and processes. Develop manufacturing process data-driven models, using DOEs and surrogate models, multidisciplinary design optimization, and ML/AI predictive models for material characterization and process interactions.
RA#3: Sustainable Manufacturing , LCA, and digital manufacturing (e.g., Green digital twins in design and manufacturing processes). Develop integrated forecasting tools to assess the impact of engineering choices in performance, time, cost, energy consumption, and footprint of integrated material-process-design workflows.
Project background
Increasing efficiency by digital technologies will reduces materials usage and environmental footprint. Manufacturing activity is responsible for 54% of the world's energy consumption and 20% of global CO2 emissions. A promising solution to sustainability lies at the interfaces between material sciences, digital manufacturing, and advanced engineering design methods. Additive manufacturing (aka. 3D printing) is inherently a digital process that enables disruptive workflows, emerging as a frontier in the advancement of scientific research. The scientific objective of this research is to develop modelling frameworks, computer-aided expert systems, and software solutions for multi-scale and multi-disciplinary simulation and optimization in digital design and manufacturing. This project explores functional materials and tailors geometrical compositions while assessing real-time the impact of engineering choices in performance, time, cost, energy consumption, and footprint.
We require: Applicable PhD in a relevant field. The degree must be completed before the end of the application period.
Essential Requirements: The candidate has an analytical mindset with strong computer skills. Knowledge and research experience and a solid publication track in areas related to computational science, mechanical engineering, engineering design, material science, solid mechanics, computational mechanics, or related complementary fields.
Desired Requirements: Experience in applied mathematics using MATLAB, Python, Java, or C++. Experience with finite element modelling of machines or products and manufacturing process optimization. Proficient in oral and written English and experience in academic publishing. Open-minded, good interpersonal skills, ability to supervise M.Sc. and PhD students (for the postdoc fellow applicants), and experience of participating in research projects.
We offer
The position will be filled for a fixed-term period of 2 years with the possibility to extension. The preliminary planned starting date is between April to September 2023 or as mutually agreed. A trial period of six months applies to all our new employees. The salary will be based on the job requirements and the employee's performance following the Finnish University Salary System. The position of Postdoctoral Research is placed on the job demand levels 5-6. A typical starting salary for Postdoctoral Research Fellow around 3400-3600 EUR/month.
We offer a wide range of staff benefits, such as occupational health care, flexible working hours, excellent sports facilities, and several on-campus restaurants and cafés with staff discounts. Please read more about working at Tampere University.
Tampere region is one of the fastest growing city areas in Finland. Tampere is the largest inland city in the Nordic countries and a traditional center of the Finnish industry. Today, the city is best known for its high-tech expertise and extensive knowhow in various fields. Tampere is also the most popular city in Finland for higher education studies. We are inviting you to be a part of a vibrant, active and truly international research community. We value interdisciplinarity, as it allows you to expand your research network and exposes you to new perspectives and ideas to solve complex research problems and pursue novel research findings. We are strongly committed to the highest level of scientific research and the provision of high-quality doctoral education.
How to apply
Please submit your application through our online recruitment system. Please write your application and all accompanying documents in English and attach them in PDF format as separate documents.
The closing date for applications is 08.01.2023 (at 23.59 EET / UTC+2). Applications will be continually reviewed until the deadline.
Applications should include the following documents:
Curriculum Vitae according to TENK guidelines
Motivation letter (Max. 2 pages), including a short introduction of the applicant, previous research work and future plans. For example:
Introduce yourself and present your qualifications. Describe why you are interested in the position and why you should be selected (~1/2 page)
Previous research fields/experience and main research results (~1/2 page)
Future goals and research interests. Please clearly indicate your primary research area (RA) and links to other RAs. What is your preferred RA? How can you contribute to the described RA? How can you contribute to the other RAs? What are the methods you will be implementing? Research examples? Ideas? (~1 page)
Transcript of records (Provide undergraduate and/or postgraduate transcripts of records in a single PDF file.)
For more information, please contact:
Professor, Iñigo Flores Ituarte, inigo.floresituarte(at)tuni.fi