慕尼黑工業大學(Technische Universität München), 簡稱“TUM”,始建于1868年,位于德國南部第一大城市慕尼黑。TUM是一所歐洲頂尖研究型大學,被認為是德國大學在當今世界上的標志,常年排名德國大學榜首。
Postdoctoral position in 3D modeling, simulation, and visualization of soft tissue for telemedicine applications
Postdoctoral position in 3D modeling, simulation, and visualization of soft tissue for telemedicine applications
16.11.2022, Wissenschaftliches Personal
About us
Located in the prosperous capital of Bavaria and home to over 39000 students, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is one of the world's top universities (top 4 European technical universities in THE World University Ranking, top 50 in Shanghai Ranking, top 10 in Global University Employability Ranking, etc.) and home to one of the most vibrant environments in robotics. It is committed to excellence in research and teaching, interdisciplinary education, and the active promotion of promising young scientists. TUM benefits from the healthy mix of companies and startups of all sizes headquartered in the region and is tightly connected to regional research hospitals. The university also forges strong links with companies and scientific institutions across the world. The Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI) is a globally visible interdisciplinary research center for machine intelligence, which is the integration of robotics, artificial intelligence, and perception. Its three central innovation sectors are the future of health, the future of work, the future of the environment, and the future of mobility. More than 60 professors from various TUM faculties cooperate within the framework of MIRMI.
A lighthouse initiative of the MIRMI is the Geriatronics project located in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The term Geriatronics refers to the use of robotics, mechatronics, and information technology, in particular machine intelligence, in the fields of gerontology and geriatrics as well as in preventive, outpatient, and inpatient care of the elderly.
We are looking for an outstanding and highly motivated postdoc (recently- or soon-to-be Ph.D. graduate) to join our team at MIRMI and contribute to the Geriatronics Lighthouse Initiative. This position will give you a unique opportunity to work on 3D modeling, simulation, and visualization of soft tissue mechanics with the objective of assisting medical personnel during telediagnostic scenarios. Your work will be integrated with our existing telemedicine setup, including an assistive robot GARMI, a lumped parameter neuromechanics model, and biometric sensing. You are expected to develop your own scientific ideas/concepts within the framework of the research project objectives and to communicate them verbally and in writing. We will provide all support for writing papers and will submit to the conferences IROS, ICRA, IEEE VR, SIGGRAPH, HRI, and corresponding journals.
You will work closely with MIRMI team members located in both Garmisch- Partenkirchen and Munich and will report your research activities and progress within Geriatronics (Project Y). The position may also include duties related to maintaining the digital twin virtual reality (VR) room with other members of the team and integrating your results with the GARMI setup and with the Human Digital Twin group. Your primary working location will be Garmisch- Partenkirchen.
Please consider applying if you have a strong background in computer graphics, computer science, physics, mathematics, and/or computational modeling and simulation. We especially seek individuals with excellent programming skills (particularly in C/C++, CUDA, and Python) and with experience and knowledge in the following areas:
3D modeling of deformable/soft objects (required),
numerical methods and algorithms applied to physics-based simulation (required),
human/robot kinematics and dynamics modeling and simulation (preferred),
haptics (preferred),
virtual reality hardware (preferred),
human factors (helpful).
Experience with VR rendering engines (e.g., Unreal) is also greatly appreciated.
The position also requires sound verbal and written skills in English.
How to apply?
The following documents are needed for applications:
a motivation letter (1-3 pages) describing (i) yourself, (ii) your research interests, (iii) your qualifications, (iv) your future career goals and research focus, and (v) why you would be a suitable candidate,
a detailed CV,
academic transcripts from your Bachelor's and Master's degrees,
doctoral degree certificate,
email addresses of at least two references.
Interested applicants should send the necessary documents via email to applications@mirmi.tum.de quoting “Postdoc in 3D modeling, simulation, and visualization” in the e-mail subject line. The position will be filled as soon as possible and only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Preference will be given to applications received before December 15th, 2022 as a strict deadline. TUM has been pursuing the strategic goal of substantially increasing the diversity of its staff. As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, TUM explicitly encourages nominations of and applications from women and from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university's research and teaching strategies. Preference will be given to disabled candidates with equal qualifications. International candidates are highly encouraged to apply.
TUM has been pursuing the strategic goal of substantially increasing the diversity of its staff. As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, TUM explicitly encourages nominations of and applications from women as well as from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the university's research and teaching strategies. Preference will be given to disabled candidates with equal qualifications. International candidates are highly encouraged to apply.
TechnischeUniversitätMünchen Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence Georg-Brauchle-Ring 60-62, 80992 München applications@mirmi.tum.de
HinweiszumDatenschutz: ImRahmenIhrerBewerbung um eineStelle an der TechnischenUniversitätMünchen (TUM) übermittelnSiepersonenbezogeneDaten. BeachtenSiebittehierzuunsereDatenschutzhinweisegemäß Art. 13 Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) zurErhebung und Verarbeitung von personenbezogenenDatenimRahmenIhrerBewerbung. Durch die ÜbermittlungIhrerBewerbungbestätigenSie, dassSie die Datenschutzhinweise der TUM zurKenntnisgenommenhaben.
Kontakt: applications@mirmi.tum.de