法國國家科學研究中心(法文:Centre national de la recherche scientifique),簡稱“CNRS”,成立于1939年10月19日,隸屬于法國高等教育和研究部,是法國最大的政府研究機構,也是歐洲最大的基礎科學研究機構,同時也是世界頂尖的科學研究機構之一。它的使命是探索生命世界、物質、宇宙和人類社會的運作。CNRS因其在科學領域的卓越貢獻而在國際上享有盛譽,被認為是世界科學技術發(fā)展的“風向標”。在2020自然指數(shù)排名中,CNRS名列世界第4。
Postdoc In Cancer Metabolism (H/F)
Universities And Institutes Of France
Organisation/Company: CNRS
Research Field: Biological sciences
Researcher Profile: Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline: 25/11/2022 23:59 - Europe/Brussels
Location: France › LYON 08
Type Of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 35
Offer Starting Date: 02/01/2023
Eu Research Framework Programme: H2020 / ERC
In vitro and in vivo analysis of metabolism and stress effects on different cell models derived from patients with glioblastoma and animal experimentation (survival, angiogenesis, invasion, etc.).
The postdoc position is two and a half years in duration and the research topic is the study of macropinocytosis and metabolic determinants of the stress adaptation of glioblastoma stem cells (in vitro and in vivo experiments).
Access to nutrients is a vital necessity for all cells, tumor or healthy. Numerous studies have shown that tumor cells are able to reprogram their metabolism in order to survive the various stresses present in the tumor microenvironment. Thus, the metabolic pressures imposed by this microenvironment create certain metabolic dependencies and vulnerabilities of tumor cells that can be exploited at the therapeutic level. The overall objective of this project is to study and understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms put in place by tumor cells in order to better tolerate stress and survive. From a fundamental point of view, this project seeks to identify molecular mechanisms governing the adaptation of GBM tumor cells to different types of stress. From a translational perspective, this project will reveal new biomarkers and therapeutic targets for the treatment of GBMs.
Eligibility criteria
The applicant must have a PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology with a publication record relevant to the field of research explored in international journals. He/she must be highly motivated, very good team player, creative and independent mind, and must have solid practical and technical experience (in vitro and in vivo). The candidate must have worked in the area of metabolic adaptation of cancer cells to stress. Experience in the field of glioblastoma is recommended. An excellent level of English (written/oral) is essential and required.
Additional comments
Interested candidates must provide a curriculum vitae detailing their training/experience, practical and theoretical skills as well as a complete list of publications, a cover letter and the contact information of at least two academic references.
Web site for additional job details
https: // emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR5286-ERICOS-005/Default.aspx
Required Research Experiences
Biological sciences
1 - 4
Offer Requirements
Biological sciences: PhD or equivalent
Contact Information
Organisation/Company: CNRS
Department: Centre de rechercheencancérologie de Lyon
Organisation Type: Public Research Institution
Website: https:// www. crcl.fr
Country: France
City: LYON 08