
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 波蘭華沙大學2022年招聘博士后(密碼學)



時間:2022-08-22來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

2 Postdoctoral Research Positions - Cryptography (# Of Pos: 2)

Universities And Institutes Of Poland


Organisation/Company: University of Warsaw: Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics

Research Field: Computer science

Researcher Profile: Recognised Researcher (R2)

Application Deadline: 30/09/2022 15:00 - Europe/Brussels

Location: Poland › Warsaw

Type Of Contract: Temporary

Job Status: Full-time

Hours Per Week: 36

Eu Research Framework Programme: H2020 / ERC

Reference Number: SOB/D110/2022/2/AM-60-0964598

the University of Warsaw invites the applications for: 2 postdoctoral research positions (PL: adiunkt) in the scientific project “Smart Contract Protocols: Theory for Applications” (PROCONTRA) financed by the European Commission (grant agreement no 885666)

Principal Investigator: Stefan Dziembowski

The ERC project “Smart Contract Protocols: Theory for Applications” (PROCONTRA), led by prof. dr hab. Stefan Dziembowski, is offering 2 postdoctoral research positions in the Institute of Informatics at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw.


Selected candidates will be employed on research position (pol. adiunkt w grupiepracownikówbadawczych) on 100% working time. The duration of employment is one year with possible prolongation for another 2 years. The expected starting date is around the 1st of November 2022, up to an agreement between the candidate and the principal investigator. The offered salary combined (basic salary approx. PLN 6 300 gross/month plus project bonus) is around PLN 14 100 gross/month). The position comes with no teaching obligations and a generous travel budget. The selected candidates will work on problems in the area of cryptography with applications to blockchain and smart contracts.

Eligibility criteria

An application should include Curriculum Vitae that:

 presents an overview of the background and scientific achievements of the candidate;

 lists all the candidate's research works (including not yet published manuscripts),

 contains a list of two experienced researchers that may serve as references for the candidate.

In addition to the above, there should be a signed cover letter addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics, the University of Warsaw together with the personal data clause (attached). No research statements are required.

Selection process

The applications will be evaluated by a selection committee appointed by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics, University of Warsaw. The committee may invite the candidate to a meeting, which will be conducted remotely. The results of the competition will be sent to candidates electronically on 15th of October, 2022 at the latest. The competition is the first stage of the recruitment process as described in the Statute of the University of Warsaw, the recommendation by the selection committee being a basis for its subsequent stages.

Additional comments

Applications that do not satisfy the above requirements or are submitted after the deadline will not be considered for the position.

Required Research Experiences


Computer science


1 - 4

Offer Requirements


Computer science: PhD or equivalent


We expect candidates to have a PhD in Computer Science (or related field) at the time of hiring and to have an excellent background in this field. We also require a record of scholarly achievement (documented by publications) in the area that this project concers. A good command of English is required,

Specific Requirements

An application should include Curriculum Vitae that:

presents an overview of the background and scientific achievements of the candidate;

lists all the candidate's research works (including not yet published manuscripts),

contains a list of two experienced researchers that may serve as references for the candidate.

In addition to the above, there should be a signed cover letter addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics, the University of Warsaw together with the personal data clause (attached). No research statements are required.

Contact Information

Organisation/Company: University of Warsaw: Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics

Department: Institute of Informatics

Organisation Type: Higher Education Institute

Website: https:// www. mimuw.edu.pl

Country: Poland

City: Warsaw

State/Province: Mazovia Province

Postal Code: 02-097

Street: KrakowskiePrzedmieście 26/28


