Post-Doctoral Researcher Physics/Acoustics: Fellowship In Nohena Grant (M / F)
Universities And Institutes Of France
Organisation/Company: CNRS
Research Field: Engineering › Materials engineering Physics › Acoustics
Researcher Profile: Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline: 12/08/2022 23:59 - Europe/Brussels
Location: France › LE MANS
Type Of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 35
Offer Starting Date: 01/10/2022
During this contract, the postdoc will develop theoretical tools to describe the effect of nonlinearities in waveguides loaded with scatterers featuring loss, gain or both losses and gain (PT-symmetry). Nonlinearities in acoustic waveguides usually come from: propagating nonlinearities due to the fluid dynamics (e.g. amplitude dependent celerity) or as amplitude dependent losses (e.g. vortex shedding). Several configurations (single or pperiodic arrangements) of different scatterers will be analysed including resonant scatterers (Helmholtz resonators), diaphragms (steep changes of waveguide cross-section), or even active scatterers (loud-speakers).
The postdoctoral researcher will be part of the “Waveguides and Structures” team of LAUM. The research activities of the team are mainly on wave phenomena in waveguides including the themes of metamaterials, aeroacoustics, nonlinear waves, disorder, symmetries and topology. He/she will work under the supervision of Dr. VassosAchilleos and in close collaboration with other members of the team within the context of the NoHeNA project. The aim of this project is to understand the role of nonlinearity in waveguides which feature loss and/or gain. In acoustics, losses is a subject well studied and with a long history while it's interplay with gain has recently been observed (also in LAUM) using active elemenbts (spealers) air-flow or thermoacoustic elements. One goal is to extend the current knowledge regarding phenomena such as PT-symmetry, unidirectional absorption/or reflection in the presence of nonlinearities. The main objectives will be sought theoretically and numerically, but a close collaboration with the experimental teams of thermoacostics and aeroacoustics is expected for the experimental verification of new phenomena (see also the ANR-SELFIXs project in LAUM).
The postdoc will be hosted by Laboratoried'Acoustique de l'Université du Mans (LAUM), a joint research unit between the Le Mans Université and CNRS, UMR 6613 (section 9, Institut des sciences de l'ingénierie et des systèmes, INSIS). LAUM has about 160 employees including 60 full-time researchers and professors-researchers. It is a leading institution in Acoustics, with a unique ensemble of equipment for general acoustics. It is associated with CNRS, the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France.
Eligibility criteria
• Sound knowledge of the techniques applied in the field, ideally with PT- symmety , non-Hermitian physics, acoustic waves. • Good experience in working with software such as MATLAB. Additional knowledge of Comsol is appreciated. • Language skills: Fluent English both written and spoken are required. • Writing skills, ability to formulate a scientific project, and to publish and promote their research. • Aptitude for working in a team on multi-disciplinary projects • Ability to work while respecting rules and procedures. • Ability to work independently, organisational ability and ability to account for one's own actions. • Candidates must hold a doctorate in Physics, Mechanical engineering, Acoustics or equivalent field and proven research skills evidenced by at least two publication as the first/joint first or second author relating to the subject or activities of the project.
Web site for additional job details
https: //
Required Research Experiences
Engineering › Materials engineering
1 - 4
Physics › Acoustics
1 - 4
Offer Requirements
Engineering: PhD or equivalent
Physics: PhD or equivalent
Contact Information
Organisation/Company: CNRS
Department: Laboratoired'Acoustique de l'Université du Mans
Organisation Type: Public Research Institution
Website: https://
Country: France