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時間:2022-04-25來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

Postdoctoral Position In Dune In Apc Lab, Paris (H/F)

Universities And Institutes Of France


Organisation/Company: CNRS

Research Field: Physics

Researcher Profile: Recognised Researcher (R2)

Application Deadline: 07/05/2022 23:59 - Europe/Brussels

Location: France › PARIS 13

Type Of Contract: Temporary

Job Status: Full-time

Hours Per Week: 35

Offer Starting Date: 01/10/2022

The successful candidate is expected to participate mainly in the analysis activities of the group. Involvement in hardware activities are not excluded, if there is need or interest (per a common agreement).

The DUNE group at the Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC) in Paris, France, is receiving applications for a 2-year postdoctoral position to start in Fall 2022.

The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international collaboration with more than a 1000 members and more than 30 countries involved. The project is hosted by FNAL and SURF (USA), with prototyping and engineering work being carried out also at CERN (Switzerland). The DUNE France effort, with several French laboratories participating, has significant financial support through a “very large research infrastructures” (TGIR) governmental program.

The APC DUNE group has at present 6 faculty members, one PhD student, and one postdoctoral scientist. It has been involved in various aspects of the experiment, mainly related to the evaluation of the dual-phase LArTPC technology, including analysis of the data collected by the prototype at CERN, simulations and optimisation of the track reconstruction algorithms, and developing the readout electronics for the photo-detection system. In the next few years, the group plans to continue its software activities, in particular by searching to deploy new machine learning techniques and algorithms for event reconstruction and data analysis.

The AstroParticle and Cosmology laboratory (APC) is a Joint Research Unit (UMR) created in 2005. APC gathers about 75 permanent researchers, and about fifty engineers, technicians and administrative staff. Including non-permanent staff (PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, foreign visitors), some 200 people make up this structure, which is managed by the Université Paris Cités (UPCité), the CNRS (represented by three of its institutes: mainly IN2P3, but also INSU and INP), the CEA (DSM/IRFU) and the Observatoire de Paris, and the CNES.

Eligibility criteria

Qualified candidates should have a PhD in particle physics or a related field, obtained no more than 2 years ago, in a laboratory other than APC. A strong interest and background in computer science (software development, machine learning techniques, etc) is desirable.

Additional comments

Interested individuals are invited to submit a cover letter and CV on the CNRS Job Portal https: // emploi.cnrs.fr/, and arrange for at least 2 reference letters to be sent directly to Thomas Patzak. For further inquiries please contact Camelia Mironov.

Web site for additional job details

https: // emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR7164-CAMMIR-001/Default.aspx

Required Research Experiences




1 - 4

Offer Requirements


Physics: PhD or equivalent



Contact Information

Organisation/Company: CNRS

Department: Astroparticule et Cosmologie

Organisation Type: Public Research Institution

Website: https:// www. apc.univ-paris7.fr/APCCS/

Country: France

City: PARIS 13


