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時間:2022-04-12來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

Research Fellow in Cancer Immunotherapy

University of Southampton


The Antibody and Vaccine Group based in the newly opened Centre for Cancer Immunology in Southampton has a strong track-record in basic and translational immunology. One of its central aims is to develop new and more effective antibody reagents for treating cancer.

An exciting opportunity now presents itself for a research fellow to work on a Breast Cancer Now-funded project to investigate therapeutic targeting of a key myeloid checkpoint inhibitor to overcome chemoresistance in breast cancer. The post-holder will leverage expertise in antibody biology, myeloid cells, transcriptomics, immunology and cell biology in order to gain new understanding of this immunoinhibitory receptor with the aim of improving cancer treatments.

You will be motivated, educated to PhD level in a relevant subject area and ideally have practical laboratory experience of antibody biology, myeloid cells, bioinformatics and in vivo methodology.

Please note, applications for Research Fellow positions will be considered from candidates who are working towards or nearing completion of a relevant PhD qualification. The title of Research Fellow will be applied upon successful completion of the PhD. Prior to the qualification being awarded the title of Senior Research Assistant will be given.

The position is full-time and for 36 months in the first instance. Please visit www. jobs.soton.ac.uk to apply. For an informal discussion or to arrange a visit please contact Dr Ali Roghanian (A.Roghanian@soton.ac.uk).  


