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時間:2021-07-09來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

Postdoctoral Fellow

The Simpkins laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to join the team. As a member of the Ovarian Cancer Research Center, we have developed a preclinical drug development program utilizing both primary tumor cultures, and over100 patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models from ovarian cancers. These PDX models represent the tumor biology of the original tumor, and are “humanized” by autologous tumor infiltrating lymphocyte and macrophage transfer, creating an autologous in vivo model system. We focus on the understanding of drug resistance mechanisms to targeted therapies, such as DNA Damage Repair inhibitors (DDRi), and finding the optimal sequence of combining DDRi with Immuno-Oncology (IO) drugs, as well as identifying biomarkers of response to these agents. Our ultimate goal is to move novel laboratory therapeutic discoveries into the clinic. The laboratory provides a rich multi-disciplinary training environment in animal modeling, molecular biology, genomics, cancer biology, and immunology.

Candidates are required to hold a PhD, or MD, or both. Expertise in cell and molecular biology is required and experience in immunology and DNA damage repair will be viewed favorably. The candidate must have excellent written and oral communication skills. A high level of participation in a collaborative team setting is required, with a high degree of self-motivation, excellent organization and time management skills, ability to demonstrate creativity and sound judgment. Exemplary interpersonal and communication skills are preferred as the candidate is expected to work closely with IO and bioinformatic collaborators. Further information about our lab can be found at https://www.med.upenn.edu/simpkins/. Interested applicants should submit a CV, a statement of research interests, and 3 reference letters to Dr. Xiaoyin Shan at xiaoyin.shan@pennmedicine.upenn.edu


