
您的位置:中國博士人才網 > 博士后招收 > 海外博士后招收 > 韓國慶尚大學復合結構實驗室博士后職位



時間:2021-05-19來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

Postdoctoral Researcher in Composite Structures Lab - Gyeongsang National University (South Korea)

Job Description

The Composite Structure Lab of the Research Center for Aircraft Core Technology is seeking to recruit a Postdoctoral Researchers with expertise in composite structural analysis, design, and multi-functional composite structure application. The ACTRC is a research and technology centre that sits between the knowledge base and aerospace industry offering high-quality research and innovative research outcomes focused on the composite structural design guidelines and practical application.

For more info about ACTRC, please visit http://actrc.gnu.ac.kr/?skin=en

Further details of Composite Structures Laboratory http://csl.gnu.ac.kr/

The post will involve work in the following field:

• Composite structural analysis, design, and manufacturing

- Composite FEM analysis, optimal design, fabrication, and mechanical testing

- Composite repair

• Thermoplastic composite structures

- In-situ/stamp-forming processes, post-processing, and induction welding

• Multi-functional composite structures

- EM absorption, lightning strike protection design, anti/deicing application, and 3D printing approach

The successful candidate should have:

• A PhD in the field of composite materials or structures

• Experience in using ABAQUS finite element software

• Proven relevant research experience

Working conditions:

• Yearly salary: 36,000,000 KRW before tax (3,000,000 KRW/year as discharge allowance, and some amount of incentive. Also, depending on working periods, the salary will be increased)

• 1 year contract

• Recruited as a postdoctoral researcher in ACTRC

Interested researchers are encouraged to submit their Curriculum Vitae to the email address below:

Professor Youngwoo Nam

Research Center for Aircraft Core Technology

E-mail: ywnam@gnu.ac.kr


