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時間:2021-05-11來源:中國博士人才網 作者:佚名

Senior Research Officer or Research Fellow, BLG DRC

University Of Essex

Job description

Duties of the Role

BLG DRC seeks to appoint a Senior Research Officer (Grade 8) or Research Fellow (Grade 9), to undertake the fundamental and applied social sciences research under the work programme of the Centre and support the delivery of the integrated outreach and engagement programme. The thematic areas of work will be supporting vulnerable people and understanding factors affecting economic growth as well as the development of data science techniques with applications in social sciences. The main duties of the post include: to undertake Foundational and Applied Research and high quality independent and collaborative research within the scope of the BLG DRC.

The duties also include contributing to public engagement & ‘impact; to explore all appropriate contributions to impact and engagement activities, such as community engagement and interactions with other public sector bodies, business and the third sector. In addition, you will develop Interdisciplinary Collaborations within BLG DRC and the University, taking an active role in facilitating and catalysing collaboration across disciplinary boundaries.

A full list of duties can be found within the attached job pack.

Skills and qualifications required

The successful candidate will have relevant research experience and publications. For appointment at Grade 9, it is essential that your publications meet the criteria for submission to the Research Excellence Framework, and you have the ability to conduct and develop independent high- quality research.

Applicants are required to have a PhD in Social Sciences, Social Data Science, Computational Social Science, or related discipline (essential for grade 9 appointment) or should be close to the completion of a PhD (for Grade 8 appointments). Applicants should also have experience in programming in high- level languages such R and Python, and experience of successfully delivering teaching/training in their area of expertise or demonstrable potential for achieving this.

At the University of Essex, internationalism and diversity is central to who we are and what we do. We are committed to being a cosmopolitan, internationally oriented university that is welcoming to staff and students from all countries, faiths and backgrounds, where you can find the world in one place.

To support this commitment we have our Global Forum, a staff-led network that promotes and celebrates the rich cultural diversity among Essex staff, and our Colchester campus based Faith Centre, which hosts regular services, meetings and events organised by our chaplains and faith representatives. For more information see: https: // www. essex.ac.uk/life/student-facilities/religion-and- faith

Please see the attached job pack, which contains a full job description and person specification, which outlines the full duties, skills, qualifications and experience needed for this role plus more information relating to the post. We recommend you read this information carefully before making an application. Applications should be made on-line, but if you would like advice or help in making an application, or need information in a different format, please telephone the Resourcing Team (01206 876559).


