Single Molecule Microscopy
Experimental Medical Physics, Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf
Scientific Assistant / Postdoctoral Position
(100 %, pay grade 13 TV-L)
is to be occupied in the field of Single Molecule and Superresolution Microscopy at the earliest possible date. The employment is initially limited for a period of two years. It is a qualification position in the sense of the Act of Academic Fixed-Term Contract (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz- WissZeitVG), which is to promote the scientific qualification of the employee.
In our group for Experimental Medical Physics ( we employ (super-resolution) microscopy and bioimage data analysis approaches to study medically relevant cell processes down to the single-molecule level. In particular, we investigate how molecular structure formation and dynamics in healthy and malignant cells give rise to specific cell signals. We further develop optical setups, record microscopic data of biological processes and test different theoretical models for their description.
Currently, we are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to use and further develop our single particle tracking setup, as well as perform FRET and STED measurements. Using state-of-the-art microscopy and image data analysis the postdoc will study the dynamics and interactions of proteins. The postdoc will prepare the samples, will adjust super-resolution optical setups to image the dynamics of proteins (such as molecular motors) with nanometric resolution. Thereafter the image data is analyzed with self-written routines in Matlab and statistical models of the protein behavior are tested.
The project includes comprehensive live cell microscopy and analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the proteins and their interactions. The candidate will use biophysical techniques, with focus on single particle tracking, FRET or STED. The applicant is expected to hold a PhD and master degree in physics, biophysics, physical chemistry, or related fields and an interest in interdisciplinary research. Skills in super resolution microscopy (single molecule tracking, STED, FRET) or image data analysis using Matlab are preferable. Experience in handling of cells or biological samples is welcome.
The salary will be, depending on the personal qualification of the applicant (m/f/d), up to pay grade 13 TV-L. Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf aims at increasing the percentage of employed women. Applications from women will therefore be given preference in cases of equal aptitude, ability and professional achievements unless there are exceptional reasons for choosing another applicant. Applications from suitably qualified severely disabled persons or disabled persons regarded as being of equal status according to Book IX of the German social Code (SGB – SozialesGesetzbuch) are encouraged.